Question David Foard · Jul 25, 2024 Java 21 support Does IRIS for Health support Java 21? #Java #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 7 0 136
Question David Foard · Dec 13, 2021 API Monitor Metrics - KPI recommendations? Is there any recommended KPI's we should be using to monitor our IRIS configurations in Azure? #Monitoring #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 3 0 375
Question David Foard · Sep 16, 2021 Best practices for IRIS and Kubernetes Does InterSystems have any best practices for deploying IRIS into Kubernetes? For example one question we have is should IRIS have a dedicated AKS cluster or can it be added to an existing cluster? David #Kubernetes #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 7 0 549
Question David Foard · Aug 20, 2021 IRIS integration with Azure AD Has anyone integrated IRIS with Azure AD? Any tips or guidelines you can provide are appreciated. David #Azure #InterSystems IRIS for Health 2 3 0 636
Question David Foard · Mar 29, 2021 Purge strategy for parent-child persistent objects We are seeing performance issues in purging objects/tables that have parent-child relationships defined. Due to the number of child objects we're seeing very long duration to purge a single parent and all child tables. Is there a better way to do this and get a more performant purge task? I was thinking to purge the child tables individually first and then delete the parent is one way. Is there any other approach? David #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 1 0 321
Question David Foard · Oct 13, 2020 FQDN ? Is there an undocumented class method that will output the FQDN? $SYSTEM only reports the part of the name concatenated with the namespace. Checking $SYSTEM.INetInfo doesn't provide the full DNS name, only a partial value that matches $SYSTEM. I can do a call out to the OS to get that value which seems to be the only way I can get the value. #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 4 0 314
Question David Foard · Sep 16, 2020 More than 1 cursor in a class I have a class that has 2 different cursors for different queries, audit1 and audit2. which are in 2 different methods. The first query runs fine, but the second one generates a 102 error. Is there an issue with having more than 1 cursor in a class? Has anyone seen this before? #SQL #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 2 0 233
Question David Foard · Jun 12, 2020 Question on configuring /api/monitor for SAM I have a couple of questions regarding /api/monitor and configuring it to use with SAM. In our environment we only expose port 443, so even though I define the Web Application to use unauthenticated, SAM is unable to make a connection. Is there any alternatives to get this working? Also, even if there is a way to configure using port 443, unauthenticated access will never fly in our environment. Are there any plans to enhance SAM so it you use OAuth or even mutual TLS? Dave #API #InterSystems IRIS for Health 1 2 0 317
Question David Foard · Mar 10, 2020 VScode load xml and convert to udl Is there a helper class available that will import an XML class and convert the class to UDL? David #VSCode #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 1 0 963
Question David Foard · Mar 4, 2020 Version of Eclipse for Atelier Will the Atelier plug-in work with newer versions of Eclipse? Photon is getting a bit old and I'd like to use the latest version. One additional question; Does Atelier work with JDK 11? Dave 1 1 0 430
Question David Foard · Dec 26, 2019 Performant index on date field Is there a way to get a good performing index on a date field? I have tried various date property indexes and the query plan is always in a pretty high range. Below are query plan result values I have observed: StartDate > '2019-12-01' --cost = 699168 StartDate = '2019-12-21' --cost 70666 StartDate between '2019-12-21' and '2019-21-28' --cost = 492058 The query plans above were for type %TimeStamp. #Indexing #SQL #Caché 0 7 0 560
Question David Foard · Nov 15, 2019 Question on sharding Prior to IRIS, using ECP to share databases under heavy I/O load has known latency issues (in our environment), which pretty much restricted using shared database with relatively static or slow-changing data. In IRIS, will sharding mitigate the latency issue and allow any table to be shared? David #Sharding #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 2 0 273
Question David Foard · Nov 7, 2019 Compatibility between %CSP.BinaryStream and %Stream.GlobalBinary? Is %CSP.BinaryStream compatible with %StreamGlobalBinary because reviewing the classes this doesn't look to be the case? What I am trying to do is zip large documents before sending over a REST interface. I compress the file and add that to an Ens.StreamContainer which is then passed to the operation to build the REST payload. We are using %Net.MimePart class to build the payload and use the BodySet method to add the zipped Ens.StreamContainer. The issue is when the REST interface receives the POST, it doesn't recognize the data as a zip compressed item. #Ensemble 0 1 0 246
Question David Foard · Oct 1, 2019 EnsLib.FTP.PassThroughOperation - Pool Size Is there any issue with setting the Pool Size > 1 on components using EnsLib.FTP.PassThroughOperation? I have a component that has 60,000 documents in the queue and looking for way to process this output quicker. #Ensemble 0 1 0 219
Question David Foard · Jun 5, 2019 InterSystems integration with Kafka Has anyone done any integration with Kafka, especially prior to IRIS? If yes what was your experience such as specific pain points to be overcome.David #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS 0 1 0 1K
Question David Foard · Feb 23, 2019 FileSpec wildcard question For the FIleSpec on a file service can you use a multiple wildcard values like *CLINICALENCOUNTER*.xml?It seems like you are restricted to a single wildcard value. #Ensemble 0 8 0 822
Question David Foard · Dec 3, 2018 Using %INLIST in a SQL query using cursors I am trying to use %INLIST in SQL query using a cursor and the query fails to return results. It appears that the variable I use against %INLIST returns an empty string. All the examples I have seen use result sets and build the query as a string. Is it possible to use %INLIST in a cursor-based query? Below is a a snippet of the code I am using:Property mylist as %String (MAXLEN="") [InitialExpression = "route1, route2, route3"];set routeList = $LISTBUILD(mylist)&sql(DECLARE MyReport CURSOR FORSELECT ProcessStartDate, #Code Snippet #SQL #Caché 0 3 0 670
Question David Foard · Oct 17, 2018 Can you use a view in a sub-query? I have created a view to stage some data in a different format and then want to reference that view in a SQL query from a table that filters the data from the view using a property of the table. Example:select MsgId, FileName, (select ReportName from custom_view where MsgId = ReportId ) as ReportNamefrom main_tableIs this even possible? When I try this, I get an error table not found for the view?David #SQL #Caché 0 1 0 292
Question David Foard · Oct 16, 2018 Linked tables between discrete Cache databases Is there a way to use linked tables between 2 discrete Cache databases or is linked tables just for access to an external RDBMS?David #Caché 0 1 0 250
Question David Foard · Sep 7, 2018 Remove FHS segment from file Is there any out of the box capability in Ensmeble to remove an FHS segment from a batch file? We have a client that is creating a batch of HL7 messages and they insert an FHS but there is no trailing FTS. We are hoping to avoid custom COS code to handle this scenario. #HL7 #Ensemble #Health Connect 0 2 1 429