Let's say I have Macro.Parent class:

Include Parent
Class Macro.Parent

ClassMethod Test()
    write "Class: " _ $classname() _ $c(10,13) _ "Value: " _ $$$name


which references Parent.inc macro name:

#define name "Parent"

Now, I want in my subclass Macro.Child to have Test method with the same code, but to redefine value of name macro.

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Let's say I have this property:

Property FavoriteColors As List Of %String;

I heed to convert it to JSON using SQL or at least without object access (so direct global access).

What's the fastest way to do that?

I thought about JSON_ARRAY and JSON_ARRAYAGG sql functions but they don't do that.

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I need to check if one class is a subclass of another (either direct or indirect).

For example:

Class Package.ClassA Extends %Library.Persistent

Class Package.ClassB Extends Package.ClassA 

Class Package.ClassC Extends Package.ClassB

In this example Package.ClassC is a subclass of 3 classes: %Library.Persistent, Package.ClassA, Package.ClassB.

So any of these checks should return 1:

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I need to get a list of all classes that are subclasses of two unrelated classes.

For example I want to get a list of all classes that are both:

  • Persistent (extends %Library.Persistent)
  • XML-Enabled (extends %XML.Adaptor)

To get subclasses of one class I can use this query:

set rs = ##class(%Dictionary.ClassDefinitionQuery).SubclassOfFunc("%Library.Persistent")

But what about two classes?

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I'm trying to create asynchronous Ensemble service/operation pair for SOAP passthrough.

General configuration:

  • Ensemble Service receives a message and immediately returns an answer to a caller (message received or some error)
  • Ensemble Service asynchronously calls Business Operation
  • Business Operation does guaranteed message delivery, etc.

Is it a viable approach?

Any tips? Ideas? Caveats? Code?

Seems like I can sublass EnsLib.SOAP.GenericService and change Sync to ASync (and provide a default reply immediately).

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Hi, Community!

And so I continue with publishing of the tasks for the Final round of InterSystems Contest on InterSystems Caché and DeepSee as a part of IT Planet Student Championship in Sochi. This year we had about 2 000 participants in InterSystems Contest.

One of the tasks for the finals was to crack the black box and another to output 9876543210!

Here's the next task: gravity!

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· Jun 26, 2017
iFind and HTML text

I have a class with text property, which contains html text (usually pieces, so it may be invalid), here's a sample value:

<div moreinfo="none">Word1 Word2</div><br>
<a href = "123" >Word3</a>

When I add iFind index on text, there are at least two problems:

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