Article David Reche · Apr 5, 2020 1m read Tip about consuming a service from IRIS container using Business Operation I have Mac OSX and Docker Desktop 2.2 (Engine 19.03). I have a REST service running on my localhost (Mac) and I was trying to consume it from IRIS running in a Docker container. If you try something like that don't use localhost as HTTP Server setting (using a Business Operation for example). You have to use host.docker.internal. #API #Containerization #Docker #REST API #InterSystems IRIS 3 2 0 257
Question David Reche · Jun 21, 2019 Avoid to exceed databases license limit in IRIS Community Edition In a fresh IRIS Community Edition container if we create a new Database and after we create a new Namespace enabling it for interoperability then we will see the message "ERROR #68: the mounted database count exceeds license limit" #Interoperability #Namespace #InterSystems IRIS 0 5 0 888
Article David Reche · Jan 18, 2019 2m read Free IRIS Community Edition in AWS Good News!! You can use now the Free InterSystems IRIS Community Edition in the AWS Cloud Hello, It's very common that people new in InterSystems IRIS want to start to work in a personal project in a full free environment. If you are one of this, Good News!! You can use now the Free InterSystems IRIS Community Edition in the AWS Cloud. #AWS #Cloud #InterSystems IRIS 7 15 4 1.6K
Article David Reche · Dec 15, 2018 2m read Adding Java to a IRIS Docker image IRIS is a powerful platform and one of the new features is the Java Business Host (DOC: Connecting Systems Using Java Business Hosts) that allow you to develop Business Services and Business Operations directly in Java (JavaDocs of the InterSystems Gateway Package). #Docker #Java #InterSystems IRIS 3 8 1 781
Announcement David Reche · Nov 13, 2018 (27 November, Madrid) InterSystems Iberia Healthcare Summit Hi Everyone! We are pleased to invite you to the InterSystems Iberia Summit 2018 on 27th of November in Madrid, Spain! #Events #Other 0 0 0 416
Article David Reche · Oct 29, 2018 5m read Create a Node/Express BackEnd and connect it to IRIS in less you say 'Mississippi' Here I’ll walk you through the process of creating a simple Node/Express API and connect it to a InterSystems IRIS instance.I won't go into much detail about how to work with any of the technologies I will mention in this tutorial but I will leave links, in case you want to learn more.The objective here is to give you a practical guide on how to set up and connect a node.js back-end API to IRIS.Before we get our hands dirty, make sure you have Node.js running on your machine. So I'll check: #Beginner #Node.js #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 5 3 7 932
Article David Reche · Oct 15, 2018 5m read IRIS API Explorer Application Background InterSystems IRIS 2019 is going to introduce new and exciting features. One of the areas with new interesting must-to-know things is the API Management. #Angular #API #Best Practices #REST API #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 9 16 3 2.6K
Announcement David Reche · Jan 22, 2018 InterSystems Iberia Summit February 15th in Barcelona Come to Barcelona and join us !! #Events #Meetup #Other 4 5 0 421
Question David Reche · Jul 14, 2017 Ens.FileInboundAdapter consuming files in sequence order Hello,We need to consume files (right now using FileInboundAdapter) with a strict order.Example:File order will be A, B, C. Suppose A, B and C will be the names of the files.Then B will never be consumed before A or after C.How deal with this? Any idea?Regards #Ensemble #Business Service 0 3 0 415
Question David Reche · May 30, 2017 Ensemble System Default Settings Export/Import Hello,There is a programatic way to Export/Import the Ensemble System Default Settings?I know you can use the Production Export Screen and add the "Deployable settings" but I am looking for something more quick and flexibleThanks #System Administration #Ensemble 1 2 0 1.1K
Question David Reche · Apr 24, 2017 Constant string with quote throw Missing closing quotation mark in Atelier Hi, Working with Atelier a valid COS sentence like this: if $e(chunk,1,1)="""{ } Throws Missing closing quotation mark error. Any workaround? Thanks 0 11 0 2K
Question David Reche · Jan 15, 2017 CSP Page show content dinamically I want do to a "simple thing". Show a dynamic log of actions in the browser as we can see on Terminal. For that, I guess to make a simple CSP Page that show a new line every WRITE command is the thing I need. But how I refresh after each WRITE?How I can refresh the content automatically?I made a simple CSP Page and in method OnPage I do this test: write "Start..",! for i=1:1:10{ hang 1 write "Doing "_i,! } #Beginner #Caché #Terminal #Frontend 0 4 0 452
Question David Reche · May 4, 2016 Router custom message base on List property using Business Rules Hello, I am trying to router a custom message using the content of one of its property, but this property is a List. ¿How I can do it? The rule could be something like this #Business Rules #Ensemble 1 6 0 595
Question David Reche · Apr 3, 2016 Best Ensemble Global Buffer Configuration Usually I recommend to set the global buffer (GB) as large as possible in order to maintain in memory more globals as possible. I don't know if this is a standard recommendation, but I want to discuss what should be the best buffer size for a Ensemble instance that only process messages. #Globals #Ensemble #System Administration 1 6 0 2.2K
Question David Reche · Feb 16, 2016 Manage data types with %ZEN.proxyObject and Ens.Util.JSON.ObjectToJSONStream() Hello,I am trying to use %ZEN.proxyObject to send out in JSON format so I do: set tProxyRequest = ##class(%ZEN.proxyObject).%New() set tProxyRequest.notanumber = "28001" set tProxyRequest.aboolean = "true" set tBody = ##class(%GlobalCharacterStream).%New() do ##class(Ens.Util.JSON).ObjectToJSONStream(tProxyRequest,.tBody,"aelotwu") w tBody.Read()and I get: #Code Snippet #Interoperability #JSON #Frontend #ZEN #Caché 0 10 0 1.5K
Question David Reche · Feb 8, 2016 Log csession in Linux Hello, I am trying to log the output of csession in Linux. I try this command: csession cache | tee myoutput.log Although it works each new lines at screen output doesn't appear at row 1... Any tip? #Beginner #Platforms #Caché 0 5 0 1.1K
Article David Reche · Dec 22, 2015 1m read Sign and verify in SMIME format In some project, I found the need to use SMIME format, basically is an standard used to wrap a message together with its signature using a certificate (usually X509). Ensemble don't have a single class to do that but inside the Ensemble installation we have the openssl utility, so in this example I use the "openssl smime" command to sign or verify a message.The example has two Business Process that able to sign or verify and in order to test I made a simple production.Hope this helps #Business Process (BPL) #System Administration #Ensemble 0 10 0 645
Article David Reche · Dec 2, 2015 1m read Fixing Java version in OSX Atelier needs Java 1.8 to run, but manage diferent versions of Java can be tricky in OSX #Development Environment #Terminal #Java #Apple macOS 3 9 0 25.1K