Hi All -

I was wondering if the below query could be enhanced to automatically look back 24 hours from the current datetime the query is run. As is now I, of course, have to update the date range in the WHERE clause manually.

The query is just getting all MessageBodyClassNames, counting them and then doing an AVG on TimeCreated and TimeProcessed. Nothing too complex.

SELECT MessageBodyClassName, count(ID) as Count_Of_Messages, avg(datediff(ss, TimeCreated, TimeProcessed)) as avg_processing_time_in_seconds

FROM %PARALLEL Ens.MessageHeader

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Hi All,

I use SQL function JSON_OBJECT to get data as a JSON object.

However, sometimes I get error with function JSON_OBJECT when values contain [, ], { or }.


[SQLCODE: <-400>:<Fatal error occurred>]

Unexpected error occurred in JSON_OBJECT() function execution of <JSON_OBJECT>.%FromJSON().Parsing error

For example,

Query: SELECT JSON_OBJECT('idSQL':id, 'content':content) FROM DocBook.block

0 9
0 1.3K

Hello, we have a few hundreds of triggers to port from Oracle to Cachè for a migration project, and many of them have to change (for example, normalize a value, null it, etc) the value which is being inserted.

The documentation says "You cannot set {fieldname*N} in trigger code." , so we're unlucky.

Is there a good workaround for this ?

SqlComputeOnChange doesn't seem the best way, but I'm not totally sure: for example normalization and validation could have a better place somewhere else than a trigger.

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0 347
· Mar 22, 2017

Hi All, In Cache Table i have stored the data value as horlog format ,by query how to retrive the data when i give the data field as date format.

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0 489

I am trying to return the maximum of the value of 2 fields: LastViewed and LastDownloaded AS a local variable -LastAccessed for each row, using a SQL query . These values are stored as $ H format. Is there an existing SQL command that compares two column values ? I could not find one, so I tried using a $Select statement . I got an error that said A term expected beginning with either of: identifier, constant, aggregate, $$,(,:,+....)

Here is the SQL Query I am trying to run:-

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0 720

I have a tablePane ZEN Component and I am trying to get a filter running on the Specimen Id / Lab Number. The SQL is fairly complex with 3 UNION ALL statements joining 4 tables and a couple of lookup tables.

How would I get the filter on SpecId to work for my tablePane? It's not automatically applying the filter for me so I think I need code something.

0 1
0 398

I use the HS_IHE_ATNA_Repository.Aggregation table a lot. Someone just referred me to the HS_IHE_ATNA_Repository.Document table, which has an AggregationId column.

I assume that column references the ID column in the .Aggregation table. If so, does this mean that if the same document was requested 1,000 times that there will be 1,000 entries for it in the .Document table? This seems inefficient to me. Why not have one record in the document table and have a DocumentId column in the Aggregation table?

0 7
0 392

I have the following query which tells me how many documents were retrieved for each customer, but it only works for the "on-demand" customers:

SELECT PatientFacility, LEFT(LocalDateTime,7) as Mnth, Count(*)
FROM HS_IHE_ATNA_Repository.Aggregation
WHERE EventType IN ('RecordRequest','RecordRequestBreakGlass')
AND LocalDateTime >= '2016-01-01'
AND LocalDateTime < '2017-01-01'
GROUP BY PatientFacility, LEFT(LocalDateTime,7)
0 4
0 374

When working with a large query executed though an ODBC connection what is the best way to allow the paging of the results at the client side. I have tried some methods using %VID and similar methods, but these really don't seem to work as the value returned is related to the ID of the data and not the position in the results set. What would be ideal is if the value seen in the management portal when you check of "Row Number" was available to external queries through ODBC. I have not seen a way to return this however.

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