We're developing Ensemble PoC and one day our frontend developer (who doesn't have Ensemble production running) said that Populate just doesn't cut it and he needs to see the real data. He needed only one object, but the problem was - it's a big object. Still, I checked ids of everything related and wrote this command (parts omitted, but you get the idea):

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I have been using the query below and it was working fine but now it's giving a SQL error. There were no changes made that could cause this to stop working. There is no Field 'APPLICATIONID' in the table.

QueueSQL=select distinct (convert(char(5),SkillsetID)+'='+Skillset) from iagentbySkillsetStat where ApplicationID > 10000
QueueMappingSQL=SELECT DISTINCT (convert(char(5),SkillsetID)+'='+Skillset), SkillsetID FROM iagentbySkillsetStat iagentbySkillsetStat WHERE (iagentbySkillsetStat.ApplicationID>10000)

DB- Intersystems Cache

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· Sep 9, 2016
Stream Property

Hi ,

  We upgraded the cache 5.02 to cache 16.
  we are using stream property in one class .(i.e.  Property notes As Stream;) but it not support in cache 16.
 how handle this problem?


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Dear Colleagues,

Recently I am working on a Cache project should enable the customer, to update our Cache application independently from us. Our idea is a client (preferred .net) application that will copy all the necessary Cache stuff (classes, routines) into a cache database. For this, we are looking for the appropriate technology – in old times this would be a CacheDirect.

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Hello Fellow Cache Developers:

Has anyone ever created an index on values of a list property? If so, would you be willing to share an example?

Also, feel free to offer input and suggestions regarding use of indexes on List values.

Here is my database scenario:

Parent Class:

PropertyA - %String

PropertyB - %Integer

Child Class:

PropertyC - %Integer

PropertyD - list of %Integer

Data illustration:

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0 565
· Aug 30, 2016
Get to know the format

I know that Cache files can be stored as XML and UDL based files. Is there any way to determine in which format the file(class, routine, dfi and so on) is stored? Because you can easily name your XML based file as class.cls and it will be perfectly valid.

I know that one way to check whether this file is in XML format is just try to parse it like

Set st = ##class(%XML.TextReader).ParseStream(contentStream)

if $$$ISERR(st) return $$$NO

else return $$$YES

However, is there a better way?

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Process-private Globals can be used as a data global in storage definition. That way, each process can have its own objects for the class with ppg storage. For example lets define a pool, which can:

  • add elements to a pool (ignoring duplicates)
  • check if an element exists in the pool

Here's the class:

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