Hi Community,

We're pleased to invite you to the online meetup with the winners of the InterSystems Analytics Contest!

Date & Time: Monday, January 4, 2021 – 10:00 EDT

What awaits you at this virtual Meetup?

  • Our winners' bios.
  • Short demos on their applications.
  • An open discussion about technologies being used, bonuses, questions. Plans for the next contests.

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Hey Developers,

This week is a voting week for the InterSystems Analytics Contest! So, it's time to give your vote to the best solutions built with InterSystems IRIS.

🔥 You decide: VOTING IS HERE 🔥

How to vote?

Please meet the new voting engine and algorithm for the Experts and Community nomination:

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Hi Community!

We are pleased to invite all the developers to the upcoming InterSystems Analytics Contest Kick-off Webinar! The topic of this webinar is dedicated to the Analytics contest.

On this webinar, we’ll demo the iris-analytics-template and answer the questions on how to develop, build, and deploy Analytics applications using InterSystems IRIS.

Date & Time: Monday, December 7 — 12:00 PM EDT

🗣 @Carmen Logue, InterSystems Product Manager - Analytics and AI
🗣 @Evgeny Shvarov, InterSystems Developer Ecosystem Manager

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Hey Developers,

See how InterSystems IRIS Adaptive Analytics can be used to aggregate and query billions of records from a virtual cube, applying machine learning and analytics to that data.

InterSystems IRIS Adaptive Analytics in Action

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Hi Community!

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Big Data in InterSystems IRIS

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Hi Developers,

The new video from Global Summit 2019 is available on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Introducing Analytic Workflows

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Hi Community!

We're pleased to invite you to the Online Meetup with the Winners of the InterSystems IRIS AI Programming Contest!

Date & Time: Friday, July 24, 2020 – 11:00 EDT

What awaits you at this virtual Meetup?

  • Our winners' bios.
  • Short demos on their applications.
  • A short interview with all the winners about the past contest. Plans for the next contests.

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Hey Developers!

This week is a voting week for the InterSystems IRIS AI Programming Contest!

So, it's time to give your vote to the best AI- and ML-enabled solution on InterSystems IRIS!

🔥 You decide: VOTING IS HERE 🔥

How to vote? This is easy: you will have one vote, and your vote goes either in Experts Nomination or in Community Nomination.

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Hi Developers,

Please welcome the new video, specially recorded by @José Pereira for the InterSystems IRIS AI Programming Contest:

Monitoring your ML model with IntegratedML

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Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video, specially recorded by @Renato Banzai for the InterSystems IRIS AI Programming Contest:

IRIS ML Suite Demo

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Hey Developers,

New "Coding Talk" video was specially recorded by @Yuri Marx for the InterSystems IRIS AI Programming Contest:

SAPPHIRE - AutoML UI to InterSystems IntegratedML

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Hi Community!

Welcome the new video from Global Summit 2019 on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Reducing Readmissions with Machine Learning

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Hi everyone.
We are a team of company "Constructor" and we develop cutting edge cartographic systems. Recently the amount of image data skyrocketed so we want to give our users the ability to tie images to places automatically. For that, we want to use AI/ML technologies and we have a cool task for you.


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Hi Developers!

Here in Developers Community, we have posts, which are categorized by tags. Tags - are specific topics, which relate to InterSystems products, InterSystems services, or any concept related to software development, deployment, or maintenance etc.

Tag is a helpful thing because it gives the option to follow/subscribe to the tag, filter the search by the tag, understand how popular or not unpopular the topic and more.

And we have a problem!

Actually two problems. The tags for the post are selected by the author of the post, and we have the following issues: the author chooses wrong tags for a post, and the post lacks proper tags.

And we think this problem could be solved with AI/ML approach and so we suggest you solve it during the InterSystems IRIS AI Contest.

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Hi Community!

We are pleased to invite all the developers to the upcoming InterSystems AI Programming Contest Kick-Off Webinar! The topic of this webinar is dedicated to the InterSystems IRIS AI Programming Contest.

On this webinar, we will talk and demo how to use IntegratedML and PythonGateway to build AI solutions using InterSystems IRIS.

Date & Time: Monday, June 29 — 11:00 AM EDT

🗣 @Thomas Dyar, Product Specialist - Machine Learning, InterSystems
🗣 @Eduard Lebedyuk, Sales Engineer, InterSystems

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Hi Developers,

Please welcome the new video, specially recorded by @Zhong.Li for the InterSystems IRIS AI Programming Contest:

IntegratedML-Template Demo

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Hi Community!

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube and learn more about IntegratedML feature:

IntegratedML: Predicting Readmissions

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Hi developers!

We are starting InterSystems AI Programming Contest next week, and according to the rules, you can include some technology IRIS Features into your solutions, which will give you extra points in the voting.

Here are the technology bonuses for InterSystems AI Programming Contest!

1. IntegratedML usage - 2 expert vote points

IntegratedML is a new technology Introduced in InterSystems IRIS which you can use with InterSystems IRIS 2020.2 Advanced Analytics Preview release. IntegratedML:

  • Gives users the ability to create, train, and deploy powerful models from simple SQL syntax without requiring data scientists.
  • Wraps "best of breed" open source and proprietary "AutoML" frameworks including DataRobot.
  • Focuses on easy deployment to IRIS, so you can easily add machine learning to your applications.

Learn more in IntegratedML Resource Guide.

You can use with IntegratedML template.

2. Python Gateway usage - 1 expert vote point

Python Gateway is an addon to InterSystems IRIS which gives you the way to use Python in InterSystems IRIS environment:

  • Execute arbitrary Python code.
  • Seamlessly transfer data from InterSystems IRIS into Python.
  • Build intelligent Interoperability business processes with Python Interoperability Adapter.
  • Save, examine, modify and restore Python context from InterSystems IRIS.

Learn more about Python Gateway.

You can use the Python Gateway template, which includes IntegratedML too.

3. Docker container - 1 expert vote point

The application gets a 'Docker container' bonus if it uses InterSystems IRIS running in a docker container.

Both templates, IntegratedML template and Python Gateway template use docker so you can collect this bonus if you build your solution using these templates.

Or you can use any other Docker-based templates, published on Open Exchange.

Feel free to ask any questions about using the listed technologies.

Good luck in the competition!

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Preview releases are now available for InterSystems IRIS Advanced Analytics, and InterSystems IRIS for Health Advanced Analytics! The Advanced Analytics add-on for InterSystems IRIS introduces IntegratedML as a key new feature.

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