Hi all! 2nd time poster and still kind of a newbie. I Googled and searched the posts but did not find anything quite like my question. I have an XML to HL7 2.6 MFN_M16 translation. I created an XML schema and I am using it inside a DTL to translate data to HL7. The XML is rather simple EXCEPT one element as data separated by pipes. This only happens when one item has multiple PAR Locations. To make a valid HL7 message these multiple PAR Locations each need their own IVT segment.

XML Par Location is equal to HL7 IVT:InventoryLocationIdentifier OR (IVT-2)

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Good Afternoon My InterSystems IRIS Peers,

I have the following issue that I need help with, I tried all possibilities that I know of, therefore I am reaching out to the community for some insight.

I have a SFTP service that pulling 2.5.1 DFT HL7 messages from our SFTP file server. The issue is that IRIS is transforming patients names and addresses that contain special chars UTF-8 to ANSI.


è = è
é = é
í = í- .......etc

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I have been struggling trying to understand "Response From" and "Response Target Config Names" as I am trying to track down Orphaned messages. I have noticed that when a Business Rule, or Business Process sends to a File Based Operation, there is always a NULL value response being returned. I am thinking these NULL values are causing some of the orphaned message problems we are seeing.

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I am trying to split a HL7 message (RDE O11) into several messages depending on how many RXC segments there are in the message (Two RXC segments would need to two separate HL7 messages)

I have seen a couple of posts regarding this but am struggling with my BP using ObjectScript, the idea is to take the receiving message and split this before passing it onto another BP

Here is my code so far

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We have this intermittent issue with a particular supplier message , just wondering if anyone has further insight around the two errors we get when we see this.

We use the out of the box TCP hl7 adapter.

We first seem to get this incomplete hl7 message resulting in an error like

Discarding leftover input 'MSH|

This is not unexpected as the final obx has not dot the description of OBX:2.2 ect.


The next message will have the error

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· Jun 19, 2017
Date Filtering Functionality

I have come across several cases where I need to set a Date filter to send only send any admit/scheduled date past a certain point. We have a couple different date comparison functions but none looking at the true date. Most of them are date + 15 or etc. Does anyone have a good date function they have written to say if x > 20170102 ?



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I'm receiving HL7 message containing the escape sequence \X00D\ indicating a carriage return. In the HL7 documentation I find that this is a valid escape sequence but when I read the intersystems documentation it states that only \X0D\ is valid.

What is the best way to work around this? I think that intersystems should change the UnescapeEx method in the EnsLib.HL7.Segment so that it complies with the standards.

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Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Build HL7 Interfaces in a Flash

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Hello, we would need some help:

We would like to use a Transformation to convert an ORU_R30 2.3 to ORU_R30 2.5

However Ensemble does not have a HL7 Schema for ORU R_30 2.3

So then our original message is not being recognized:

→ How could we let Ensemble recognize the ORU R30 2.3 structure to be able to use a Transformation?

We have read:

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We have msgs coming like below where line ending with \n then it throw error in router production but if msgs come with \r\n then router dont throw error.

any help?

EMR sending following msg.


Business Service read it like this as on line, and error msg shows in trace.


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Hi all.

I have setup a HL7 Operation using the HTTP adapter, and I'm getting what seems to me as an unusual response. When sending a sample message to the operation, I am getting a nested ACK. For example:

MSA|AA|RWSD7V5iuEC5F6zscDWz|HTTP ACK 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' : MSH|^~\&|yyy|yyyy|xxx|xxx|20220923080633||ACK^A01|1663916793965||2.3||||||
MSA|CR|RWSD7V5iuEC5F6zscDWz|Error Message Goes Here.

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I have a problem attempting to store a base 64 encode stream into the OBX:5 field of a HL7 message, by using the StoreFieldStreamBase64 method.

I'm using a transformer to input the contents of a pdf within a stream container (Ens.StreamContainer). The output is a HL7 message (EnsLib.HL7.Message 2.5:ORU_R01).

The transformer is being used in a business process.

This is the code used in the transformer to encode the stream to base 64:

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I have a service named FTP_In that is of class EnsLib.HL7.Service.FTPService. It picks up files from multiple subfolders and sends them to an EnsLib.HL7.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine. What I want to do is somehow capture the subfolder as a variable for use in the routing rules. Is this possible?

Let's say I have the following files and directory structure on my FTP Server

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