In this article, I would show how you can upload and download files from InterSystems products via http.

The questions about working with files over http arise fairly often on community and I'm usually linking to my FileServer project which demonstrates file upload/download but I'd like to talk a bit more on how we can serve and receive files from InterSystems products.

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Index to Articles

Hi All

It's been 6 weeks since my original article sad
- - - - -but I have been busy on this project

I have been looking at/thinking about a replacement for ZEN for around 12 months but only really started in depth 4 months ago.
Also been in IT for long enough that I can "get a feel" for a product/technology and make decisions accordingly without going into great detail.
Any new technology has a learning curve and I don't want to waste time and effort on something that won't fly.
And, as always, I am looking to minimise the learning curve as I want to concentrate on delivering business benefit.

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· Mar 18, 2018 1m read
Replacing ZEN - Index to articles

Hi All
This is the index to a series of articles I hope to create over the coming months.

ZEN and ZEN Mojo are no longer being actively developed by Intesystems - this is a great shame as it is a fine product that works so well for business applications.
However ZEN is a 15 year old product and I need a path forward to replace the ZEN UI with a supported development framework.

This article is an index of the other articles I have, or plan to write. - the articles will be subject to change as I develop my thoughts and climb the learning curve.

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Index to Articles

Published 2018-05-11 Last edit -

Hi All

I this article I detail some strategic issues that a new development UI will need to address - these are the ones that I can think of now - others may come to light during this journey.

See the webinar by Eduard Lebedyuk here from the last Global Summit describing modern web development and Caché

And, as always, if I have missed something please comment....

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InterSystems products (IRIS, Caché, Ensemble) already include a built-in Apache web server. But the built-in server is designed for the development and administration tasks and thus has certain limitations. Though you may find some useful workarounds for these limitations, the more common approach is to deploy a full-scale web server for your production environment. This article describes how to set up Apache to work with InterSystems products and how to provide HTTPS access. We will be using Ubuntu, but the configuration process is almost the same for all Linux distributions.

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· Oct 1, 2018 4m read
Profiling code using Caché Monitor

Not everyone knows that InterSystems Caché has a built-in tool for code profiling called Caché Monitor.

Its main purpose (obviously) is the collection of statistics for programs running in Caché. It can provide statistics by program, as well as detailed Line-by-Line statistics for each program.

Using Caché Monitor

Let’s take a look at a potential use case for Caché Monitor and its key features. So, in order to start the profiler, you need to go to the terminal and switch to the namespace that you want to monitor, then launch the %SYS.MONLBL system routine:

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· Nov 19, 2018 1m read
Pagination with filters

Working on a proyect with :

Cache Object Script, Jquery and Bootstrap :

I have a big problem to do pagination with parameter, to query filter and registry limitation, but i find a solution using session and global:

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This code snippet provides a ZEN page that downloads a stream from its database directly:

/// We assume that you have stored your data within this schema:
/// MyApp.Model.Storage: Filename,FileSize,Content,ContentType
Class zen.downloadStream Extends (,%CSP.StreamServer)
    /// Wrapper to get the id of the download, we assume that the id is passed to this zen page
    /// as a URI parameter, i.e.: MyApp.Downloads.cls?OID=1234
    ClassMethod GetId()
        Quit $Get(%request.Data("OID",1))
    /// Set the appropriate header for the file.
    ClassMethod OnPreHTTP() As %Boolean
        Set tId = ..GetId()
        If ##Class(MyApp.Model.Storage).%ExistsId(tId) {
            Set tStream = ##Class(MyApp.Model.Storage).%OpenId(tId)
            // You could "guess" the content type by its file extension
            // or you can store it (before) in the database separately (like in this example).
            // Set Extension = $Piece(tStream.Filename,".",$Length(tStream.Filename,"."))
            // Set ContentType = ..FileClassify(Extension)
            Set %response.ContentType = tStream.ContentType
            Do %response.SetHeader("content-disposition","attachment; filename="_tStream.Filename)
            Do %response.SetHeader("Content-Length",tStream.FileSize)
        Else {
            Set %response.Status="404 File Not Found"
            Quit 0
        Quit $$$OK
    ClassMethod OnPage() As %Status
        Set Download = ##Class(MyApp.Model.Storage).%OpenId(..GetId())
        Do Download.Content.OutputToDevice()
        Quit $$$OK

Link to code on GitHub

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