· Sep 23, 2021
Using Arrow with left join

Hi Guys,

my understanding that Arrow can't be used in left or right joins as the example below, so is there an alternative ?

SELECT Sample.Employee.Name, Sample.Company.Name AS CompName
FROM Sample.Employee LEFT OUTER JOIN Sample.Company
ON Sample.Employee.Company->Name = Sample.Company.Name


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Once a week we are attempting to load an XML file from Workday into a MS SQL table using JDBC and Store Procedures. There is approx 102999 records in this XML file. We are struggling with processing the entire file within a reason amount of time. We feed the XML through a BPL to then populate values in a stored procedure then call the stored procedure through a Business Operation. I have tried splitting out the Business Operations to make two calls, but we still continue to see an issue loading the XML into MS SQL.

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I have very recently started to work with Ensemble and have both the 2014 and the 2017 version.

To learn, I have created a small test flow that takes an xml file using EnsLib.EDI.XML.Service.FileService, sends it to a Process that transforms it with xslt into another format, and then passes it onwards to a EnsLib.EDI.XML.Operation.FileOperation Business Operation.

This is the code that I have before and when sending it onwards:

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I need to remove content below, from PID-3/HL7 message, in IRIS. However, I need to keep the content in PID-3.1. For example, I’d need to keep only, “5050532”. Can this be done in Data Transformations? If yes, how?
Thank you!

MSH|^~\&|TEMPUS|TEMPUS LABS|EPICEMR|YRMC|20210930100824||ORU^R01|4823623379495310173|T|2.3|

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The latest release of Serenji focuses on the debug experience. Not only can you now debug on the spot, no matter where you are or what you're doing, but we've also added some smaller features that will make debugging more straightforward. 

  • Run and Debug CodeLenses - clickable links above each class method, procedure, subroutine or extrinsic function.
  • Intuitive prompting for entrypoints and arguments - when debugging a class method, produce, subroutine or extrinsic function. 
  • Shaded read-only background - to clearly differentiate between documents which are editable and those that are read-only. 
  • Program output in debug console - output is shown in the debug console. 
  • Serenji commands on Server Manager's namespace trees - allowing you to launch Serenji through Server Manager. 

Find out more in our release notes here

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Hello All,

InterSystems Certification has redesigned their IRIS Integration certification exam, and we again need input from our community to help validate the topics. Here's your chance to have your say in the knowledge, skills, and abilities that a certified InterSystems IRIS Integration Specialist should possess. And, yes, we'd like to hear from you Ensemble users as well!

Here's the exam title and the definition:

InterSystems IRIS Integration Specialist

An IT professional who:

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Hi developers, 

We've incorporated VS Code's support for multiple concurrent debug sessions and consoles into the latest release of Serenji

So if you're working with processes that relate or are dependent on each other, you can now debug them together. Just launch a second Serenji debug session (F5) whilst the first one is still active. 

This short video below shows how it works. We hope you find this feature useful! 


Serenji 3.2 multiple concurrent debug sessions

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The most recent release of Serenji features our innovative gj::locate technology. It was a standalone tool we originally created for a Developer Community contest earlier this year, but we've incorporated it into our debugger after some great feedback from developers. 

It works by navigating you directly to the source of your server-side errors in just a couple of clicks - enabling you to quickly fix errors without the need to count tedious lines of code... and let's be real, who has got time for that when you're under pressure to fix this bug? 

It's simple and straightforward to use:

1. Click on the gj::locate panel in the status bar

2. Enter the ObjectScript error message or line reference from a class/.mac routine..

3. gj::locate then does the work for you by taking you straight to the corresponding line in your source code.

Easy peasy... and with time to spare to make yourself a coffee before your deadline! 

The video below shows it in action - let us know if you've already given it a go. Or, if you're interested in trying it out we offer a free 30 day trial license, just drop me a message through the Developer Community or email us at

Serenji 3.2.0 utilising gj::locate technology

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Hi developers, 

Serenji 3.2.0, the latest version from George James Software, was released last week and our current users have been enjoying trying out the new features (which you can find more about here). 

If you're thinking about trying Serenji for the first time, we've made it easier to get set up by adding a walkthrough on the VS Code Welcome page. It takes you through: 

  • Setting up the server components.
  • Selecting a server namespace.
  • Saving and extending your workspace.
  • Requesting a debug license (don't forget we offer a free 30 day trial!) 

We've also added prompts and guidance throughout VS Code to open and add Serenji folders to your workspace and when going to run and debug code. 

This is just one of the ways we've enhanced the Serenji debugger to make straightforward and easy to use - so all you need to do is focus on your code. 

Serenji 3.2.0 Welcome Page Walkthrough

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Hi community,

I have a SOAP Client class that connect to a WS Service. This structure and configuration is the same for some providers that are integrated with my solution.

If I call to a provider, it returns the XML expected. But there is a provider that raises an error:

ERROR #6243: HTTP request to SOAP WebService returned response with unexpected CONTENT-TYPE: application/wsdl+xml

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· Sep 23, 2021 1m read
Zero configuration debugging

The latest release of Serenji by George James Software introduces zero configuration debugging, so it's ready to go in just one click - no matter where you are or what you're doing, your on-the-spot debugger is ready to go. 

We have introduced a host of new features to enhance the debugging experience so you can focus on identifying and fixing errors, without losing focus by spending time setting up a launch configuration. 

Check out the new features in our release notes

If you've already started using Serenji 3.2.0 let us know how you're getting on! 

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I'm working on a project were we are going to be receiving a non-HL7 formatted flat file that will contain a single result message per line and each result messages may contain repeating OBX fields that will need to be parsed out so that can be sent as an HL7 ORU messages that contains multiple OBX segments.

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Hello community!

I'm facing a base growth issue, which is being generated by a process and an Ensemble feature.

When executing the process of cleaning up the message queues, the Ensemble “preserves” the Streams that were part of these messages, deleting only the Header and Body. In this way the database (of one of the namespaces) has grown around 60GB per day, which has been maxing out the disk capacity.

InterSystems informed that this is a characteristic and that it is explained in the documents mentioned below.

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· Sep 8, 2021
Force YYYY format

Hi Guys,

when using $ZD(mydate,4) sometimes it returns year as 4 digits and sometimes two, and the documentation is saying ([YY]YY is a two-digit year if hdate falls within the active window for two-digit years; otherwise it is a four-digit year), what active window for two means and how can I force the year to be always 4 digits ?


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Hello all,

I have a problem where one of our 3rd party systems is only able to accept HL7 messages with UTF-8 encoding but the originating messages have Windows 1252 encoding. Does anyone know a way in which I can change the encoding for the entire message from Windows 1252 to UTF-8? I have only been able to find the CONVERT method to change individual charachters but we would like to change the entire HL7 message encoding.


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I'm processing POP3 emails using the standard EnsLib.EMail.InboundAdapter adapter and %Net.MailMessage. I'm basically processing documents that are attached to received emails. This works fine if the document is simply attached to the email itself. But some systems are sending documents that are attached to an attached email which has content-type = message/rfc822.

How do I get the attached file from the attached email?

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