I need to set and use some context variables in a transformation (written in DTL), but the code is manually written.

When writing the same as BPL I define context variables and they are visible in transformations called by that process.

In something like this my.DTLtransform sets HL7 message fields to values in context variables:

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While I am not new to HL7, I am very new to Ensemble.

We have a request to change the order in which the Addenda segments are sent to the client. Right now, the global setting of the Lab system is to send the newest addenda at the top of the report, then the next oldest, and so on until we get to the final report:

OBX|1|||*****Addendum 3****
OBX|2|||text 3
OBX|3|||*****Addendum 2****
OBX|4|||text 2
OBX|5|||*****Addendum 1****
OBX|6|||text 1
OBX|8|||final text

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I create a WebService in Machine One, with some process, i tested this webservice with SOAPUI, worked.

After that i create a simple Business Operation, SOAP Adapter, based on WebClient created with SOAP Wizzard, the problem with that is on response var, i have empty var on my operation, somebody have some Ideas ?

0 11
0 629

Hi, a client have a installed enviroment with mirror activated, but when you test SSL on webservices you can get an error, not SSL access correctly from browser because certificate problem apparently with TLS Version, someone have a suggestion to reinstall SSL Certificates on mirrors ?

Chrome : something wrong, no details or diagnostic

We try simple regenerate Authority an regenerate all certificates, but not worked. Same results.

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0 192

Hello Guys, can you help me with a issue? I think it is a beginning question, but here goes, how do I add a new business host to production programmatically? for example a new business service or business process.

I've been looking at the documentation for the classes Ens.Config.Production, Ens.Config.Item and Ens.Director and I haven't found any method to add, maybe the name is a little bit different.

The idea is to create a class that will "deploy" or "configurate" a new project components in a pre-existing production.


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· May 26, 2020
accented characters

How do you allow accented chracters to flow through the engine without erroring out? I read something about adding a "!" in MSH-18 to accept the default coding, but now it gives me an error about "No translation table found". Does InterSystems have anything out of the box to account for accented letters? Does this need to be coded?

1 6
0 473

I've got a class that extends FTP.PassthroughService and utilizes the FTP.InboundAdapter. In Business Service, I have the FilePath set as /tmp and the subdirectory level = 1. How can I access the current file path (/tmp/subdir1) when there are files in /tmp/subdir1/test.txt for example? The ..Adapter.FilePath only returns the FilePath setting in the Business Service/Adapter but not the subdirectory level. Of note, it is a SFTP connection. I can access the %Net.SSH.SFTP from

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0 299
· Jun 22, 2020
Amending timestamp

Hi, I have a timestamp of 201906192359 with a HL7 and I need to add a minute to it to get 201906200000. Is there an easy way within Healthshare to do this?

It seems easy enough within SQL but I cannot get the SQL to work within Healthshare, this is what I have for SQL which does the job in SQL Server.

SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(16),DATEADD(mi,1,STUFF(STUFF(@test,11,0,':'),9,0,' ')),120),'-',''),' ',''),':','');

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We would need to iterate all over the OBXs list and get their OBX3 CE1 to determine if it is the lab result we need to send to the output system.

We wonder how could we achieve this in a foreach component inside a Bussiness Process.

We think we would need to use a foreach because of it is needed to generate a message, for each one of the OBX which have the OBX3 CE1 that the output systems uses for the lab results.

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0 518

I am facing issue during LDAP lookup like whenever I used product group parameter in AD explorer to search data from application I am getting empty result. If I set product group parameter as null then based on distinguished name result is generated in application. So if anyone knows about how LDAP works and how parameters are set in AD explorer then please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

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0 269

Hello, In the DTL, is there a way to set a value for the HL7 data element in the code section? For example, set target.SetValueAt("PID:3(k1).1)") = mrn (mrn is the value returned from the SQL query) When I ran the test utility, I got this error message. ERROR ErrException: zTransform+27^testclass.TEST.1 *SetValueAt,EnsLib.HL7.Message -- logged as '-' number - @' set target.SetValueAt("PID:3(k1).1)") = mrn' I tried both target.SetValueAt("PID:3(k1).1)") and target.GetValueAt("PID:3(k1).1)"). That didn’t make a difference. The code still error out.

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0 866
· Jun 9, 2020
Cache SQL question

I have a table with 4 column: MRN (primary key), Name, DOB, and Gender. I want to bring in the values on all of the columns into a DTL. Currently, I declare variables for each of the columns and using 3 select statements.

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0 247

Dear All,

I am currently working on a project to record ORU^R01 into a global for a particular set of tests.

I have multiple OBX repeats that need to go into a specific fields withing one row/ record on the global.

I am having trouble finding a way to either count or loop though the OBX's correctly in ObjectScript often with the counter being undefined.

I have done this this way, as I am building upon an existing class to populate this global.

The latest iteration of my obx looping code is below:

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0 1.2K

Hi All,

I have created a custom method into persistent class to call vendor Rest API from Ensemble that is working fine through Terminal, but my concern is:

I want to call only if Error, Warning or Alert are generated. Is there any way that it would call automatically to send that Logs records through API or from where I need to call custom method of persistent class.

I also tried to put that persistent class method from Ens.Util.Log class but it's calling multiple time automatically.



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Recently, I meet some problem at product env.

Some outside http request send to my Business Service. cause service very slow down. So I want find root cause . But at the message trace page. I can't found any source address . But at Product env. I can't install packet capturer like wireshark . I meet some problem.

And Second. Does ensemble can limit request speed at Business Service? too many requests slowdown my service.


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0 183

Hello All,

I am compiling a REST Operation to call our hospital Administration system, following tutorials around the REST API's etc. First time we have integrated like this so not much knowledge around our hospital - hoping someone on here can help.

I have been using the JSONStreamToObject Method which is working as i expected, apart from trying to get a specific item in the example JSON Response as follows:


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