· Sep 9, 2020

Using Lookup or Exists on Repeating Fields in Ensemble Business rule

I have a project to only filter certain pathology results into a downstream system.

Within a HL7 router and business I was planning on using a lookup table and either the exists() or Lookup(), but am having issues when using it with repeating fields or segments.

For example if I perform teh analysis per stated segment usign {} brackets this will work, as each stated repeat is assessed:

(HL7.{PIDgrpgrp(1).PIDgrp.PID:PatientIdentifierList(1).ID} DoesNotStartWith "ICE")&&((Lookup("Sunquest.Lorenzo.OBR4Whitelist",HL7.{PIDgrpgrp1(1).ORCgrp(1).OBR:UniversalServiceIdentifier.identifierST},,)="1")||(Lookup("Sunquest.Lorenzo.OBR4Whitelist",HL7.{PIDgrpgrp(1).ORCgrp(2).OBR:UniversalServiceIdentifier.identifierST},,)="1")||(Lookup("Sunquest.Lorenzo.OBR4Whitelist",HL7.{PIDgrpgrp(1).ORCgrp(3).OBR:UniversalServiceIdentifier.identifierST},,)="1"))

However if I try to use () I do not get very far as the second part of this rule does not evaluate as true:

(HL7.{PIDgrpgrp(1).PIDgrp.PID:PatientIdentifierList(1).ID} DoesNotStartWith "ICE")&&(Lookup("Sunquest.Lorenzo.OBR4Whitelist",HL7.(PIDgrpgrp1().ORCgrp().OBR:UniversalServiceIdentifier.identifierST),,)="1")

I've seen in another post (Link) that the repeating fields cannot be handled out of the box  with these functions.

If this is the case I guess the next step is to write my own utility function to handle these.

Any advice would be appreciated.



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I have built a custom function that I call ListExists that handles checking if a List returned by the [] square bracket syntax has (any or all)  items in the lookup table.  Square bracket syntax works in a routing rule and returns a >< delimited list of all the values in a particular repeating field.

Here is the code:

Class CustomFunction.ListExists Extends Ens.Rule.FunctionSet
/// Test if the keys specified in the <var>List</var> are defined within the lookup table specified by <var>LookupTable</var>.<br/>
/// Can handle lists like &lt;key1&gt;&lt;key2&gt;&lt;...&gt; or other delimited lists by changing the <var>Delimeter</var>.<br/>
/// Return true (1) if "All" keys exists (default) or if any key exists by entering "Any" in <var>AnyAll</var>, and false (0) otherwise.<br/>
/// <var>IgnoreNullListItem</var> when 1 will ignore empty list items.
ClassMethod ListExists(LookupTable As %String = "", List As %String, Delimeter As %String = "><", AnyAll As %String = "All", IgnoreNullListItem As %Boolean = 1) As %Boolean
                if LookupTable = ""
                {  Quit 0
                set tAnyAll = ..ToUpper(AnyAll)
                set tListLen = $LENGTH(List,Delimeter)
                set tcount = 1
                While tcount <= tListLen
                  set tListItem = $PIECE(List,Delimeter,tcount)
                  if Delimeter = "><"
                  {  // strip off beginning and end half delemiters
                    if tcount = 1
                    {  set tListItem = $ZSTRIP(tListItem,"<","<")
                    // could be both first and last
                    if tcount = tListLen
                                  set tListItem = $ZSTRIP(tListItem,">",">")
                  if tListItem = ""
                  {  //list item is null
                     if IgnoreNullListItem
                                    set tcount = tcount + 1
                     // note that a null list item will never exist in the table so the "ALL" will fail if not ignored
                  if ..Exists(LookupTable,tListItem)
                  {  // this one exists in lookup table
                                if tAnyAll = "ANY"
                                   Return 1
                  //doesn't exist and we want all to exist
                    if tAnyAll = "ALL"
                                   Return 0
                  set tcount = tcount + 1
   // if comes out of loop then
   if tAnyAll = "ANY"
   {  Quit 0 // didn't find any
   else //assume in "ALL" so must have found them all to get here
   {  Quit 1