Looking at the navigation, should we consider moving the Logout function under the My Account button? It is kind of oldschool to see the logout functionality as a stand alone menu item.

Maybe the My Account button should have "Account Settings" and "Logout" as the drop menu items?


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Hi, Community!

We want to introduce tag Tips & tricks.

It's not a snippet sometimes, but some small piece of best practice and useful experience.

Please vote if you think it makes sense and we need this tag and we'll introduce it as the first level tag in taxonomy.

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I create the NewBie posts.

And as directed I use the Beginner tags.

However, a lot of people are using the Beginner tags for other posts.

Is there a way for separating the NewBie posts from the other Beginners?

Failing that, can I in someway make the Newbie Index more visible?

I am doing a lot of work on the NewBie Index to make it more useful.

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Generally the site developer/admin decide which editor they will allow based on the content they want to encourage/support. As a user presented with a full WYSIWYG editor I have absolutely no reason to select a more restrictive option. It honestly just adds to the already cluttered post/comment page.

My suggestion is to either remove the option altogether or at the very least make it a preference in the user profile area. It's really a 143 vertical-pixel waste of precious space.

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Option 1:
Groups are renamed "Forums". They are segregated and have their own sets of tags. If I'm viewing "Ensemble" and I click "Create a Post", it is posted in that forum. I must tag the post with one or more tags from that forum, "Business Service", "Production", "DTD", etc. Tags can be assigned to multiple forums. I am never prompted to choose a "group"/forum. It's based on the context I was viewing.
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· Jan 20, 2016
Chasing the footer

When I am looking at the list of posts in a community (or is it a group? If so what is the difference?)


There is a footer that is constantly falling off the bottom of the page after I scroll down.

This is due to the load and show more posts when I scroll to the bottom functionality (not the best UX)

Is there anyway to stop the footer from running away all the time?

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If you are reading any post as a guest (not logged in or a search crawler), please do not show
"SHARE WITH A FRIEND" in the post template. This link only works when you are logged in.

If not you are not logged in and try the link, it results in an unfriendly error:

Access denied

You are not authorized to access this page.

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· Oct 11, 2016
Modify search feature

I am unsure why but the search feature does not allow you to begin your search with a period, please have this modified.

For example, I was not able to search for ".obj".

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Since we have a way to see 'Unanswered' questions now, there are a couple of things that jumped out at me. Not sure if I am missing how to do these or if they need to be added to the future enhancements list:

1) It looks like a lot of people 'Comment' on a Question rather than providing an Answer. This means that there are many questions listed as unanswered where the answer actually lies in a Comment (but noone has submitted a formal Answer). Is there some way to tag a Comment as the Answer?

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Most of my comments/contributions are personal, not reflecting the point-of-view of my current client. My WRC account is normally 'connected' with my clients email domain (e.g. csc.com).

I would like to set a personal account for DC so I can receive the digests in my own email box.

More sophisticated, I would like to use more then one email per account where I can specify on which address I want to receive DC digests

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· Mar 23, 2016 1m read
Triple posting

It looks like andreas posting is in triplicate - I am sure the bureaucrats are very happy - on the homepage

Not sure why...? Is there really 3 unique posts IDs that are the same or is there a bug in the hoempage display logic that is repeating the items listed?

triple post

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