· Sep 27, 2016

sorting the new posts (new, comments, answers) in date order

Looking at the posts, I cannot find a simple way to show everything in DATE order (newest first).

when I click on "NEW", It's 11:26am (UK time) and the first few entries are

Post by Istvan Hahn 6 min 19 sec ago.          Enabling Cross-origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for RESTful Services new
Post by Eduard Lebedyuk 23 hours 46 min ago.   Automatic removal of system methods from codebase
Last answer 2 hours 46 min ago.                Is the possible for Multiple Streams using in single method?


Date/time seems to bear no relationship to the order.

what can I click on so that I see anything thats changed on the community.

I don't really cars that it's a new entry, posting, comment, answer, I just want to see anything new in date/time order (newest first) so that I can glance at the entries and stop reading when I recognise something I recognise as "being seen before"

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Hi, Kevin!

Thanks for the valuable feedback.

We will introduce it to the DC UI in some next release.

But today I can suggest you this DeepSee dashboard with the list of daily posts.

It shows articles daily in the current month (you can pick another month if you want), numbers are clickable to let you go to the posts.

There are also filters on post types, groups, tags and author.

Hope that helps.