· Sep 1, 2017

Developer Community August 2017 Digest

Hi, Community!

This post is a digest of the Developer Community postings in August 2017.

Most viewed

Your Workflow: Issue Tracking, Version Control etc.  243

Runtime type detection  217

Feeling the power of Caché   188

AES Encryption  159

from the roots to InterSystems  156

Load JSON from a file  149

Server-side way to disable logins for all users  149

Grafana-based GUI for mgstat, a system monitoring tool for InterSystems Caché, Ensemble or HealthShare  148

Caché and Ensemble 2017.1.x on OpenVMS - Recall  145

PDFs and Reading them  144

Winning in GIS competition  135

Frontier: A different way of working with REST  118

Handling images with Caché & JSON, and why 57 is a magic number  117

Most voted

InterSystems DACH Symposium 2017  13

Feeling the power of Caché   11

Light weight EXCEL download  10

from the roots to InterSystems  10

Winning in GIS competition  7

Date before Dec.1840 ? Negative $H(orolog) ?  7

Grafana-based GUI for mgstat, a system monitoring tool for InterSystems Caché, Ensemble or HealthShare  6

...ToLogical / LogicalTo... Visualization  5

Visualizing the data jungle -- Part IV: Running Yape in a docker image  4

Repairing your Index  4


Most commented

Escape comma in dataCombo columnHeaders value  26

Runtime type detection  24

Your Workflow: Issue Tracking, Version Control etc.  19

%Status vs Other Return Values in Caché ObjectScript Methods  17

Is there a way to detect the last written char?  14

Load JSON from a file  14

Redirect output of Cache write command to Python interpreter  14

Recreate cache.dat file to increase space on disk  12

padding string in BPL  12

How to change the Ensemble by InterSystem logo?  11


Top 10 Authors to Follow in August  

(by unique views gathered)

Robert CemperPosts,  1030

Evgeny ShvarovPosts,  439

Sean ConnellyPosts,  225

Anastasia DyubayloPosts,  221

Mikhail KhomenkoPosts,  148

Andreas DieckowPosts,  145

Rubens SilvaPosts,  118

John MurrayPosts,  111

Erika StegagniniPosts,  110

Lexi HaydenPosts,  109


Top 10 Experts to Follow in August

(by positive votes gathered)

Robert CemperAnswers,  +53

John MurrayAnswers,  +19

Dmitry MaslennikovAnswers,  +17

Eduard LebedyukAnswers,  +13

Rubens SilvaAnswers,  +11

Alexander KoblovAnswers,  +6

Timothy LeavittAnswers,  +5

Evgeny ShvarovAnswers,  +4

Benjamin SpeadAnswers,  +3

Tani FrankelAnswers,  +3


By Tags


InterSystems Articles and Questions Digest, July 2017


InterSystems Developer Meetup: Who are the Presenters?


Developer Video of the Week: Failover for Cloud and Wide-Area Networks


Video of the Week: Atelier - Update and Install


The Second Developer Video of the Week: Atelier - Getting Connected


August DC Release: Search Engine Improvements


InterSystems DACH Symposium 2017


Three new videos of the week: Using Atelier and Git


Identifying pending and closed requests


Promoting Developer Community


The Second August 2017 DC Release: Group and Members Improvements


Get The First Row Seat on Global Summit 2017 Key Notes!


Caché and Ensemble 2017.1.x on OpenVMS - Recall


Share Your InterSystems Solution on InterSystems Global Summit 2017


Developer Video of the Week: Tier 1 Applications in a Virtual Environment


Release Candidate of Caché and Ensemble 2017.2


Video of the week: System Sizing for Insanely Large Deployments


Problem with Getting Started >>> Basic Tutorial for Atelier

Solved: Incompatible browser when editing a BPL


Atelier Installation Problems


Can Atelier save export settings?


Atelier synch loop when adding a CRLF to the end of CSP file


Are there server-side Git Studio Hooks available out there?


Grafana-based GUI for mgstat, a system monitoring tool for InterSystems Caché, Ensemble or HealthShare

Determine the impact of CREATE-INDEX on a large file

Visualizing the data jungle -- Part IV: Running Yape in a docker image

WebSocket error

Winning in GIS competition

How i can maintain cache DB

Feeling the power of Caché

Is there a way to detect the last written char?

Frontier: A different way of working with REST

How to log out from Cache terminal

Date before Dec.1840 ? Negative $H(orolog) ?

Accessor function for a parameter

...ToLogical / LogicalTo... Visualization

How do you get the 'Array Value' in the ZBREAK trace option?

Secure Telnet support in CTerm.exe broken in 2017.1

Retrieving attributes from Library.File()

Currently hiring developers Caché or Ensemble! Switzerland


Creating REST Services with QEWD.js and Cache: Tutorial

How to get raw data when we post the rest services?

How to determine if a class is mapped (e.g. from CACHELIB)

AES Encryption

Repairing your Index

Problem with terminal font

Warning: Stale Persistent Objects created by $THIS

How to Limit User Access to One Namespace Only

Handling images with Caché & JSON, and why 57 is a magic number

What is the Difference Between Methods and Class Methods?

Light weight EXCEL download

Where are local studio settings stored?

Bug in DC searching members [fixed 2017-08-24]

Zen reports - Using the element with parameters, but calling a method

SMTP Servers to Use in Demos

%Status vs Other Return Values in Caché ObjectScript Methods

from the roots to InterSystems

Recreate cache.dat file to increase space on disk


Problem with Server side methods


Your Workflow: Issue Tracking, Version Control etc.


Do and GOTO


Apache server and directory index


CSP/ZEN page session timeout while extracting huge amount of data


Is this a bug? ZBREAK Trace option does not appear to handle comma-separated SET command


Cache Cube v.2014.1.3.775.0.14809 Various Errors


%FromJSON doesn't support %Stream on a property basis


SSL_connect() error




Various quantity parameters of tablePane


Custom Index for Not Null Values Only


LogicalToDisplay Method


autoExecute="false" is ignored; OnCreateResultSet and OnExecuteResultSet still run on page load


Sort a %Library.ListOfObjects


How to get from caché server actual linux TIMESTAMP(in seconds)?


What in the System Dashboard indicates performance issues?


How to implement mutual exclusion(mutex)?


Cache SQL sorted after sorting


Load JSON from a file


How to get all the names of the classes which inherits %Persistent


How to get the original name of columns in SQL queries if aliases are used?


Activating and checking the SOAP Log


How ignore errors in XML response


Is there any way to extend Cache ObjectScript using custom-defined commands and symbols?


How to get the number of global references for a dynamic sql statement




How to determine maximum allowed connection per Cache license unit


Server-side way to disable logins for all users


Replacing all strings of special kind with macro calls


Get user info on file change of .js and .* files


How to get a PID of Windows process called with $zf(-1,...)?


Zen Reports error


Escape comma in dataCombo columnHeaders value




dataCombo parameters and editable property


$Order and $Next in Cache Basic script


Automatic Run process


Is there a way to omit or skip rollback of some data changes during a transaction rollback?


Zen Report - ErrorNo: 5540


Runtime type detection


How to add a new line in email?


padding string in BPL


pButtons: WDphase - Phase of the Write Daemon- 8: Databases are being updated. What does it mean?


Redirect output of Cache write command to Python interpreter


Retrieving values from JSON %Library.DynamicObject (2017.1)


Is it possible to stop journaling for a given class?


jsonProvider - handling underscore character


Cache Studio freezes on line Use $io::("^"_$ZNAME)


How do I get a list of classes that are subclasses of 2 unrelated classes?


Archive SDA from Post processor


Cache Version Command


What's the fastest way to check if one class is a subclass of another


Run cache program from command line.


How to change the Ensemble by InterSystem logo?


DeepSee time series - season


override css of deepsee


Perfromance issue with importing Dashboards url


Two measures cannot be cross joined


PDFs and Reading them


Disable journaling on an Ensemble data purge


How to write the event log to the text file.


PGP encryption and decryption


Not Receiving Acknowledgement While using Custom Business Service


Producing zen reports and send them via email


Get a count on number of HL7 Interface messages on various Business Services and Operations.


Update an Item Setting Value in studio ?


Dependency loop error when importing SalesForce WSDL


Adding soap header to imported WSDL


Deleting/renaming productions


DotNetGateway port already in use


Ensemble soap client misses soapaction http header


Dynamically modifying RetryInterval and FailureTimeout


Charset problem: UTF-8 file downloaded via sFTP displays incorrectly


How to include process context in data transformations


What is the benefit to keep separate database for Globals and Routines?


Testing for not existing item in collection


Error on SQL update service


Catch "Skipping previously file " event


Problem with inserting objects into a list in a business production




ad hoc sql service


Extract piece of string

FHIR Implementers Group

HealthShare and NHS Care Connect FHIR api


HealthConnect (Ensemble) Integration with PKB Service

How To implement full Oauth2 schema on Caché/HealthShare ?


HealthShare and NHS Care Connect FHIR api


Very trivial question.


iKnow Disk space requirements

Worldwide Response Center (WRC)

pButtons: WDphase - Phase of the Write Daemon- 8: Databases are being updated. What does it mean?

Discussion (0)1
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