Discussion Lexi Hayden · Apr 28, 2022 How do you use the maintenance release notes/MRNotes/Relnotes? InterSystems has always provided -- with each maintenance release -- a document that describes all the changes in that maintenance release. This document is known informally as the relnotes or (now) the MRNotes*. Here’s a link to one of them, just to make sure we’re on the same page: https://docs.intersystems.com/iris20211/csp/docbook/relnotes/index.html #Other 2 1 0 228
Announcement Lexi Hayden · Oct 31, 2019 New look and feel for IRIS documentation For IRIS 2019.1 and later, the documentation has a new look and feel. Check it out: https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cls The underlying changes include a new style sheet and a complete rewrite of the code we use to generate HTML. (There is now an underlying API for retrieving content as JSON, as well as a large set of unit tests -- for those of you who like that kind of thing!) #Documentation 6 2 1 370
Article Lexi Hayden · Aug 24, 2017 1m read SMTP Servers to Use in Demos Recently there was an internal email thread on which SMTP server to use in demos. I thought I'd share the comments from that thread:Person 1: I tried gmail (smtp.gmail.com, port 465) this morning, it works fine.To use gmail, you must enable 2-step verification for your google account and generate App password. https://support.google.com/mail/answer/185833?hl=enPerson 2: I use https://www.hmailserver.com #Caché 1 3 0 916
Article Lexi Hayden · Jul 18, 2017 2m read Old/New Dynamic SQL Cheat Sheet The newer dynamic SQL classes (%SQL.Statement and %StatementResult) perform better than %ResultSet, but I did not adopt them for some time because I had learned how to use %ResultSet. Finally, I made a cheat sheet, which I find useful when writing new code or rewriting old code. I thought other people might find it useful.First, here is a somewhat more verbose adaptation of my cheat sheet: #Best Practices #Code Snippet #SQL #Caché 8 35 4 2.4K
Article Lexi Hayden · Jun 8, 2017 3m read Using the OnGetNodeInfo callback of a Zen <dynaTree> I needed to use the OnGetNodeInfo callback of a Zen <dynaTree>, because this seems to be the only way to control the style separately for different levels of the tree. This post describes two discoveries I made.How a dynaTree builds a tree via the OnGetNodeInfo callbackWhen you use a dynaTree with the OnGetNodeInfo callback, the dynaTree creates a series of nodes and displays them top to bottom in the order they were created. #ZEN #Caché 3 0 0 323
Article Lexi Hayden · Feb 11, 2016 1m read Displaying an Ensemble setting as read only We heard from a customer who wanted to display a version number as a read-only production setting. During the build on the build server, this version number is added to the Production class. This works fine, and the Version is displayed in the Portal, but the customer wanted to write protect it, so the enduser can’t change it. The customer had defined the setting like this: Property Version As %String; Parameter SETTINGS = "Version:Info"; We advised the customer to define SETTINGS like this instead: Parameter SETTINGS = "Version:Alerting:label" #Ensemble 3 0 0 433