Hello and welcome to the Developer Ecosystem Spring News!
This spring we've had a lot of online and offline activities in the InterSystems Developer Ecosystem. In case you missed something, we've prepared for you a selection of the hottest news and topics to catch up on!
💡 InterSystems Ideas News #5, #6
🔥 Global Masters: get points for your ideas on Ideas Portal
📝 InterSystems Studio is deprecated, starting with 2023.2
📝 Early Access Programs (EAPs)
📝 Take part in the FHIR R5 Quality Review!
✅ HealthShare Unified Care Record Earns National Committee for Quality Assurance Certification
👋 Caelestinus 2023 Kickoff Event
♨ April 4, 2023 - Alert: Incorrect Query Results
♨ April 10, 2023 - Alert: ECP Client Instability
♨ April 27, 2023 - Alert: Database and Journal Corruption when Using Encryption
♨ Get Alerts, Advisories and other Product News directly from InterSystems
Contests & Events
📄 [DC Contest] 2nd InterSystems Tech Article Contest in Portuguese
⏯️ [Webinar] Webinar in Spanish: "EMPI: Set up and use case"
☕️ [Meetup] In-person Developer Meetup in Boston: Making Sense of Healthcare Data with SQL and Python Pandas
☕️ [Meetup] Benelux Caché User Group Meetup
Latest Releases
⬇️ Developer Community Release, Spring 2023 Edition
⬇️ Improving your posting experience
⬇️ Caché and Ensemble Maintenance Releases
⬇️ Zen Reports to be removed from InterSystems IRIS and IRIS for Health beginning with version 2025.1
⬇️ Caché, Ensemble, and HSAP 2018.1.8 released
⬇️ IAM 3.2 Release Announcement
⬇️ IKO (InterSystems Kubernetes Operator) 3.5 Release Announcement
Best Practices & Key Questions
❓ Key Questions of Spring 2023: March, April, May
People and Companies to Know About
🌟 Global Masters of Spring 2023: March, April, May
Job Opportunities
💼 IRIS system administrators - Stanford Healthcare
💼 InterSystems IRIS Technology Role Remote
💼 IRIS Developer - Health Data Management Engineer, Lead
💼 Job Opportunity for IRIS Senior Developer in SA
Here is our take on the most interesting and important things!
What were your highlights from this past season? Share them in the comments section and let's remember the fun we've had!