ok... Update: This definitely looks like a Microsoft bug.

Setting up the same classes/data in a new namespace on the same IRIS instance, and created a fresh DSN in ODBC to use works fine.

I even create a new namespace and global/package mapped all data from the original failed namespace, and created a fresh DSN in ODBC to use works fine too.

So - it's not the class/package/data definition in IRIS, or the IRIS version.  There is something Power BI is holding onto, which is related to the original DSN Name used, that is causing grief.

I'm sorted for now.

Hi Prashanth,  you do need to import these classes into the IRIS cloud instance's database.  (VSCode then accesses the cloud instance and pulls the code locally for editing in a local folder, or, access IRIS remotely for editing there).

To use VSCode, the VSCode connection to IRIS uses the IRIS SuperServer port to access IRIS in order to compile classes. Therefore, this port must be open from the cloud instance.

With this open SuperServer port, a local instance of IRIS Studio could be started, connected to IRIS, and then used to perform the import. Studio menu: Tools -> Import Local...

If you do not have Studio installed locally on your desktop yet, you can use the Management Portal, by going to  the menu System Explorer-> Classes -> Import  (after selecting your desired namespace).  On the dialog window asking for a file, you should be able to specify 'My Local machine' and the browser will look locally for the XML file to import into the instance.

Alternatively, you need to copy the XML file to the cloud instance, (using ftp, or other means), and from an IRIS Session, use the ##CLASS(%SYSTEM.OBJ).Import utility to import the XML file from the command line.


Hi Tom. The REST API definition itself within IRIS is not where TLS is negotiated and terminated (and hence not where mTLS is defined) between client and server.

Requiring https over http, and, insisting on mutual authentication is defined in a Web Server layer which then in turn, communicates with IRIS on a seperate port and protocol.

You need to first install a supported web server, and then add the IRIS Web Gateway (see docs) to it. Prove that regular http request of the API work.

Then, on the web server, enforce HTTPS and mutual authentication.  See your chosen web server's documentation for how to do this. (InterSystems does not provide this of course). IIS, Apache and NGINX are supported.

Once that's done, clients can only access the IRIS Rest API over https, which is negotiated/terminated against the web server, which can also insisted on client authentication (mTLS).

Hopefully this post sets you on the right path.




For existing documentation, I believe others have already directed you. If, however, you are not doing an in-place migration (that is, you are installing on a new server), then one needs to get a bit more creative.  (There are several reason why you may choose to switch to new servers - for example wanting to move to a different OS, or a version that is supported by IRIS which you cannot simply upgrade to.)

Your InterSystems Sales Engineer or even the WRC, are able to provide the detailed advice you need which is often specific to your situation.  The main things to consider is the downtime you can afford when you failover to IRIS, and the architecture you have (do you have multiple Cache nodes, ECP, mirrors, etc ?).

In general however, what I have done successfully is create IRIS Asynchronous Mirror servers of the Cache nodes, then, (on switch over) shutdown Cache and promote the IRIS servers to active mirror failover members etc.  You obviously need to ensure that the IRIS set of servers is readily configured with security, memory etc to take over as a valid Async DR node.

Finally note that this creation of IRIS nodes as async mirror nodes to Cache servers is not supported as a production configuration but only allowed for migration.

Please reach out to InterSystems WRC or Sales Engineering for more in-depth discussion and planning.



That should work (as advertised) but if you want a workaround .... call a method instead, that implements the same thing:

    <Invoke Class="App.Installer" Method="SetAutoStartProduction"  CheckStatus="true" >
Arg Value="${MyNamespace}" />
      <Arg Value="myProd.Production" />

- assuming 'MyNamespace' contains the namespace name you are setting up, as a variable (or hard code it).

Then include the method:

ClassMethod SetAutoStartProduction(myNamespace, prodClass) As %Status

   quit ##class(%EnsembleMgr).SetAutoStart(myNamespaceprodClass)


Hi Muhammad,

For FHIR capability, one would need to be running the healthcare version of IRIS - so, you would need to run, in your case the "IRIS for Health" product, which is also available as a Community Edition.

This feature does not require additional licensing in order to appear. You just need to be on the right version of IRIS for Health.

This option you mentioned here ("Health > FHIR Configuration > Server Configuration") was first introduced with release 2020.4, so, any version of IRIS for Health should be on this, or a later version to enjoy this feature.

InterSystem's AWS marketplace offering that launches IRIS for Health Community Edition,  here - does in fact launch this correct release. You could use that instance.

InterSystems' Quick Start tutorial here, which helps people learn about FHIR, also uses the correct release, and starts an instance for you in the cloud to use. If you are learning about FHIR  I suggest the Quick Start tutorial is your friend there too. 

You do not need to be an InterSystems customer to take advantage of this.

If you are a customer of InterSystems, you can download the version of IRIS for Health that was first released with this feature (2020.4) via the Distributions pages of the WRC, but note, that this was a Docker Container release only. 

Assuming you do not want to use Docker Containers, then, the next, non-container release with this feature is IRIS for Health 2021.1, and as soon as this is generally available, I would recommend to progress with that version.



I have.

As Robert mentioned - disk I/O is one issue.  And the other issue is drive letter changes if the drive is moved between hosts (for example - the 'Journal File Location' pat set to D:\ in one instance - then drive 'D:' not found when the flash drive is moved between hosts.)  This can be overcome with scripts of sorts (potentially) - though I haven't tried to do that.

Hi Fernando,

Strange. I've never seen this before, and it seems like a bug to me.  If no other suggestions appears here, I would reach out to the support team at InterSystems for advice.

If just defining classes and routines, VS Code is another alternative IDE. This is being developed further to bring it in line with the features of Atelier and provides another formidable option.

Of course the more mature IDE is IRIS Studio, another alternative for you, if running on a Windows client.


Hi Wayne,

I'm not sure I can help you with an article, but for what it's worth, the error indicates there may be an issue with Soap security policies of the service. 

For example, where the mock service is expecting to be called using HTTPS, but it is not. 

To try and resolve, it may be worth reviewing what the mock service is expecting security-wise, and match that with how its being invoked.


Hi Eric

If you want your service t0 be part of the framework, but not actually use any specific connection functionality typically offered by adapters (SQL, FILE, ..etc)  Just ensure that the adapter is first set to  'Ens.InboundAdapter':

Parameter ADAPTER ="Ens.InboundAdapter" ;

And - set your PoolSize is set to 1, so a job is started. with the production.  Note that for every cycle of the Call Interval setting, the OnProcessInput method will be called.

If you want to regularly do your work (ie:  "go through a list of values in a global and compare dates. If criteria is met, it will send an email."),  then, do this in the OnProcessInput method at your desired CallInterval.

However - As you said "on start..." I'm assuming you meant, on start of the production as a whole -   In this case, leave the OnProcessInput method empty with just a 

Quit $$$OK

statement, and, (as others mentioned here), put the logic in the OnInit() method of your service, which will be invoked on production startup or enabling/disabling of the service.

Note that without the Adapter parameter setting above, and the pool size set to 1 - neither OnInit, nor OnProcessInput are called.

Now - Productions are meant to keep on running. You may eventually move away from putting this logic in the OnInit code or somewhere which requires a Production re-start in order to execute, as this effects other running business hosts ....  To explore other options further you can

(a) Work with the CallInterval which calls OnProcessInput after n seconds, and build in logic that determines if a particular cycle should just do nothing, or (say, on the change of the day, or other controlling factors, like, the size of your global entries) - would go ahead and do the emails.  Note that you can set Properties for your business service, to record state - which you can initialise  a value for in the OnInit, and update regularly during the running state of the service if you need to.

(b) Look at the Schedular feature.  The Schedular feature controls the running state of a business host. With the schedular you can elect to Enable/Disable any service on a pre-defined schedule. So - You can enable  your service, (with OnInit code to check globals and send emails), at an interval of choice without needing to stop/start the production. click : here for documentation.

Sincerely -


Sure thing...

Use the %Net.HttpRequest class, to make the HTTP request, and, take the response's data

Set httprequest=##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
Set httprequest.Server="http://ws.audioscrobbler.com"
set URL="/2.0/?method=chart.gettopartists&api_key=65218c8cdd03ba3836f9fc8491fb6957&format=json&limit=1000&page=10"
Do httprequest.Get(URL)

The httprequest object has a property 'HttpResponse', now containing the http response.  The HttpResponse in turn, has a stream property 'Data' containing the entire http response body -

so, you can read off this Data stream to get your raw json and setup jstring variable, however, as I see you want to call %db.FromJSON, and, that method takes a stream object anyway - you can skip setting up the jstring variable and just do this directly which should work: 

DO db.%FromJSON(httprequest.HttpResponse.Data)



Hi Laura,

I would declare the class property without the underscore as you have tried, given the way the generated code (in the class ending in ...Thread1.cls) interprets this and generates code.

Having said this - I'm interested in then knowing how you are going about generating the JSON string.   This is probably where you need to focus hour efforts and set a JSON element of "status_id".

How are you generating you JSON, and what version of Ensemble are you on ?  Answers to these questions will help others looking at your post to contribute a  solution.

Thanks - Steve


Rather than programmatically modifying the source code and recompiling the class -  if your page already defines, by default, the full set of columns available, you can show and hide each and every one of them programmatically by manipulating the table columns collection which is already part of the DOM:

Save this class in the SAMPLES namespace.  In this example, the Buttons hide some columns and un-hide  others on client and server:

/// Created using the page template: Default
Class sp14.tableTest Extends %ZEN.Component.page

/// Class name of application this page belongs to.
/// This Style block contains page-specific CSS style definitions.
XData Style
<style type="text/css">

/// This XML block defines the contents of this page.
XData Contents [ XMLNamespace = "http://www.intersystems.com/zen]
<page xmlns="http://www.intersystems.com/zentitle="">
<tablePane id="tblPerson" sql="Select ID,Age,DOB,Name,Home_City,Home_State from Sample.Person" >
<column id="c0" colName="ID"  hidden="false"/>
<column id="c1" colName="Age"  hidden="false"/>
<column id="c2" colName="DOB"   hidden="false"/>
<column id="c3" colName="Name"   hidden="true"/>
<column id="c4" colName="Home_City" hidden="true"/>
<column id="c5" colName="Home_State" hidden="true"/>
<hgroup width="350" align="left">
<button id="clearColumns" caption="Clear Columns (client)" onclick="zenPage.clearTableColumns()/>
<spacer width="10px"/>
<button id="basicColumns" caption="Add other Columns (client)" onclick="zenPage.addBasicTableColumns()"/>
<spacer height="5px"/>
<hgroup width="350" align="left">
<button id="clearColumnsSS" caption="Clear Columns (Server)" onclick="zenPage.clearTableColumnsSS()/>
<spacer width="10px"/>
<button id="basicColumnsSS" caption="Add other Columns (Server)" onclick="zenPage.addBasicTableColumnsSS()"/>

/// clearTableColumns
ClientMethod clearTableColumns() [ Language = javascript ]
  for (i 0; i tbl.columns.length; i++) {

ClientMethod addBasicTableColumns() [ Language = javascript ]
  // Add ID, Name, and City columns 
  for (i 0; i tbl.columns.length; i++) {
  if ((tbl.columns[i].getProperty("colName")=="Name") ||
      (tbl.columns[i].getProperty("colName")=="Home_City") ||
      (tbl.columns[i].getProperty("colName")=="Home_State")) {

Method clearTableColumnsSS() [ ZenMethod ]
    set tbl=%page.%GetComponentById("tblPerson")
    for i=1:1:tbl.columns.Count() {   
        set column=tbl.columns.GetAt(i)
        set column.hidden=1
    set tbl.refreshRequired=1

Method addBasicTableColumnsSS() [ ZenMethod ]
      set tbl=%page.%GetComponentById("tblPerson"
      for i=1:1:tbl.columns.Count()
          set column=tbl.columns.GetAt(i)
          if "Name,Home_City,Home_State"[column.colName {
             set column.hidden=0
      set tbl.refreshRequired=1


Even if your default <table> definition did not hard-code the full set of columns in the XDATA block, which you later manipulate, you can also programmatically add the table and column objects of the table, something like this - from server side instance method - 

        // Add Table of transactions
        set nTable=##class(%ZEN.Component.tablePane).%New()
        set nTable.id="tblTrans"
        set nTable.queryClass="myAccounts.QryUtils"
        set nTable.queryName="Transaction"

        // Define a column and add to table

        set column=##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.column).%New() 
        set column.colName="Narrative"
        set column.hidden=1
        do nTable.%AddColumn(column)

        do %page.%AddComponent(nTable)

- Steve


I had a closer look, and it is not actually an "OnValidate" method per se that exists for use,..- but the feature does exist...

You need to create a <setting>IsValid() method. something like this:

 Class qmd.CustomAdapter Extends EnsLib.TCP.InboundAdapter [ ProcedureBlock ]

Parameter SETTINGS = "MyCustomSetting";

Property MyCustomSetting As %Integer;

ClassMethod MyCustomSettingIsValid(%val) As %Status
if %val'?1.n quit $$$ERROR(5001,"My Custom Setting should be an integer.")
Quit $$$OK


Hope this helps.


Hi Satheesh,

ECP allows you to 'remotely mount' a database on one instance from another.  For example, let's say you define (as you have) a Cache instance with a Database 'C' and you have a second instance running Ensemble now.

When the basic ECP configuration is done, you will then be able to define a 'remote' database on the Ensemble instance - the remote database being, the 'C' database managed by the Cache instance. The contents within the 'C' database on Cache will be available as a database on Ensemble just as though it was a locally mounted one.

In this scenario, the Cache instance is the ECP Server (or ECP Database server),  and the Ensemble instance is the ECP Client (or ECP Application server instance).

The basic ECP configuration is carried our via ECP settings accessible through the management portal, and are done on the ECP client side (Ensemble side)  - see Admin-> Settings -> ECP Settings. You need to tell Ensemble where the ECP Database Server (Cache) is.

See the documentation for details, but when that is done, your Cache databases will be available to Ensemble as databases that can be defined as remote databases. 

Note: that ECP works at the database level - not at the namespace level... so the configuration of Ensemble Namespace (where you are building your production), needs to be enhanced such that the Ensemble namespaces sees the globals, packages and routines it needs. Edit the Ensemble namespace's Global, Package, and Routine mapping definitions.

Regarding SQL projections when you are on the ECP Client (Ensemble), if you do not Package Map your Class definition, then, you wont have those classes available for use. With only Global Mapping defined between your Ensemble namespace and the remotely mounted Cache database,  you will only get direct global access.

The online documentation for ECP overview is here: http://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GDDM_overview 

Finally, be aware that ECP is an enterprise feature, and that the corresponding license keys for your instances should include the Multi-Server feature. and be ECP capable.

