
I have a very simple web service that I'd like to secure via SAML Authorization with X.509 Certificates. I am, however struggling with documentation and my lack of cryptographic skills. (I do this just for educational purposes now, but need to use it in the future)

Does anyone have an example that shows how to construct a SOAP Client with adding all necessary security headers manually or point me to a decent learning resource?

Thank you very much!

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Hi, every time I launch Atelier for the first time after my PC boot, it reports an error when trying to connect to a server.

Restarting Eclipse solves the issue and it no more manifests until next PC reboot.

Does anyone know how to avoid this issue? I run Windows 10, Java JRE 8

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Is there an API that would list classes within a given package? I can't find any. I do have a workaround that uses class index, but this query lists all classes available in the namespace and I have to filter those I want. But this is just unnecessary overhead.

If anyone has spotted such API, please let me know.



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· Aug 3, 2017
DeepSee time series - season


I have a series of data organized by time (year and month) so I can use a time dimension to drill down data. So far so good.

However, I need to display the data not by calendar years and months but rather by seasons. The season has 12 calendar months but starts in September. So I'd like to see the data from September / Year N to August / Year N+1 using the same hierarchy as normal time dimension.

Has anyone done something similar?

Obviously, the season can start by any month, not only September :)


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I recently spent some time with Atelier, and tried to use it's inherited (from Eclipse) XSL transformation capabilities.

I have installed Exlipse XML Editor and Tools and Orangevolt XSLT - as it provides Saxon XSLT processor.

I have XSLT 2.0 transformation defined, that uses isc:evaluate() callback function to perform some server side code.

And here is my problem: when I try to run XSL transformation of a file in my project, then as soon as the processor hits isc:evaluate() it fails.

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Customer is using an ancient MSM based client Workstation for their application and they made a small change to their server code. They introduced property of %Double() and discovered an issue. The MSM workstation is not able to retrieve any property of an object instance that holds value of $double(0). see images illustrating the issue.

I'm posting this to DC intentionally before I eventually send it to WRC so others can comment.


Image 1 - data

image 2 - UI

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Customer is experimenting with %vid variable for selecting row numbering for sql queries. Basically he's trying to implement paging functionality.

He is confused that select %vid from (select ...) returns dummy number whilst select *,%vid from (select...) returns correct data.

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this is catching me all the time, again and again...

Haven't worked with XML VDOC for some time, I can't figure out, what is the correct way of using Property path. Can someone please help me to refresh my memory.

Simple example: I have a class called Body, with Value and Topic properties. I created a XML Schema for this class and imported it into Ensemble. So i have a category called message, with Body as DocType structure and Name and Topic properties of Body complex type ($2:Value and $2:Topic are element names)

My rule looks this way:

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I need to pass a parameter string that contains slashes to a REST call.

I tried URL encoding, or making URL map to accept query parameter instead of path parameter but apparently we only allow for path parameters.

I can come with several workarounds, but these involve some transformation at client and then on server, but I'd prefer a direct support.

Q1: is there any Cache specific trick to pass slashes in path parameters

Q2: are we going to support query parameters in REST?

something like this would help:

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Hello, our customer, large industrial company, is considering modernizing their old CSP application so it can run on multiple client device types, using responsive design.

They have a lot of experience with CSP and some ZEN.

They are new to REST and have some limited knowledge of javascript - perhaps not enough to the extent used by client framework.

Does anyone have a framework or a set of templates that you would be willing to share?

Thank you!

Dan Kutac

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