@Colin Brough - this was recently discussed on a thread internal to InterSystems, and I credit @Eduard Lebedyuk 
for the following options, which were suggested within the context of Enabled/Disabled Business Hosts on different environments using the same Production (some don't apply to your question about logging and testing, but I include them all for completeness):

1. Track a separate production class for each environment.
2. Use SDS to effectively disable Business Hosts (for example, by setting the Port property to an empty string).
3. Create a custom adapter/business host that has SDS configurable setting "RealEnable", which would be checked in OnInit or OnProcess input.
4. Use Interoperability Schedules, with Business Host always off/on.

I think (1) and (3) would be most likely to work for you here.

Also, it's not going to help you in the immediate term, but be aware that TestingEnabled (along with some other fields) is supported for SDS starting in InterSystems IRIS 2023.3 (I am very excited about that!!)

Sounds like you are using client-side source control in a shared development environment ... this is just a formula for frustration.  Either use private dev instances with client-side source control, or use server-side source control with a shared dev instance.  This was the theme of a presentation we did at G.S. a couple of times.  See https://community.intersystems.com/post/new-video-shared-development-21s...
NOTE - This was given a 2nd time where we used VSCode and not Atelier but I can't find that posting for some reason.   However the principles are identical whether you're using Atelier or VSCode ... they use the same APIs to manage source with the server.  

Community Edition users can still reach out to the WRC.  If they explain the issue, then the WRC will look into the matter.  This is an application that I own and I have already asked my team to start looking at what is going on with this users' account, but contacting the WRC is always advisable to issues can be investigated that are blocking people from getting our software.  

It looks like Production.cls is a production class which is loaded into and compiled within the IRIS data platform.  You would need a connection in order to load and compile the code.  I am not sure what you mean by compiling the code (which required IRIS) without a connection to IRIS?  Can you please explain more about what you are trying to accomplish?