NOTE: we previously found an issue with the 2021.1.1.324.0 builds. The 2021.1.1 maintenance releases have been removed from the WRC and have been replaced with 2021.1.2.336.0 builds. 2021.1.2 containers will be available shortly.

Two new sets of maintenance releases are now available:

  • Caché 2018.1.6, Ensemble 2018.1.6, and HSAP 2018.1.6
  • InterSystems IRIS 2020.1.2, IRIS for Health 2020.1.2, and HealthShare Health Connect 2020.1.2

Installation kits and containers can be downloaded from the WRC Software Distribution site. Container images for the Enterprise Editions of InterSystems IRIS and IRIS for Health and all corresponding components are available from the InterSystems Container Registry.

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It's come to our attention that the built-in license in the InterSystems IRIS and IRIS for Health 2021.1 Community Edition release is incorrectly set to expire on October 30, 2021.

There is no impact to any production versions (the Community Edition is for development purposes), but developers will find that their instances stop running and should replace them with new ones. For cases where replacing them is an issue, we have provided an override key.

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