Hi guys,

How can I get the list of printer in client Zen page?

We currently use an ActivexObject call "MSDesign.WebLabel" to get the list of printer loaded in a dropdown in our Zen pages:

webControl = new ActiveXObject("MSDesign.WebLabel");
if (webControl!=null) printers = webControl.getPrinters();
and this will give us a list of printers available in client machine but this does work in Edge or Chrome, is there a tool or simple code that I can use to get me the list of printers available?


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Hi Guys, I'm resending this because I sent on the weekend and looks like it has not been noticed much

I'm not that familiar in using Javascript in Zen pages, so basically we have a priting utility (app) that requires us to add a bit of JavaScript call to facilitate printing from our Zen pages as below:

So I added XData link pasted the required script, is this the correct way?

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0 235

Hi Guys,

I'm using the below code to download, extract files in a file directory then save data into a global, and remove the file directory as not needed anymore, but the issue is that the class(%File).RemoveDirectoryTree is not deleting, also tried class(%File).RemoveDirectory and same thing.

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Hi Guys,

Sorry I'm not that familiar in using Javascript in Zen pages, so basically we have a priting utility (app) that requires us to add a bit of JavaScript call to facilitate printing from our Zen pages as below:

So I added XData link pasted the required script, is this the correct way?


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0 119
· May 25, 2023
Using <IMAGE> sample

Hi Guys,

is there any sample I can use for Images, I'm just looking for a very simple one where I can have an upload control to upload images & image control to show them?


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I've the below datacombo definition and when selecting an item from it and make this call:

var component=zen("Component").getProperty("value");

I would get the ID (first column) which is what I'm looking for

0 0
0 140
· Apr 17, 2023
Refreshing Combo

Hi Guys

How can I refresh a dataCombo after saving a new element in it?

I've the following dataCombo and after saving a new element I would like to fresh and reload that data in it?

0 1
0 157
· Apr 5, 2023
SQL query in Dropdown

Hi Guys,

I have two dropdowns where if I select a type from the first dropdown I would like to populate all subtypes in the second dropdown as below (I've set showquery =true to show you what's going on )

but for some reason I'm not getting the query filtering to the required where clause.

eg. by select Bearing from the first dropdown I should only get 6 records in subtype dropdown, but I'm getting all subtypes

0 2
0 292
· Mar 20, 2023
Reading through file fast

Hi Guys,

I've the below code that copies 15000 records into a global, problem is that taking around 11 secs to finish and I'm wondering if there is any faster way (eg. would copying the file into stream and look through the stream makes it faster!?) because I've hundreds of files I need to process every time.

0 4
0 309
· Mar 19, 2023
heavy processing tasks

Hi Guys,

I've a task that runs every 10 mins executing the below code, but the issue is that it slowing the system down affecting other processes, so is there a way to maybe spread the execution of this so it doesn't slow down the system? I've tried spreading these fucntion in two different tasks but doesn't seem to change much.

1 4
0 281
· Mar 8, 2023
Session ending message

Hi Guys,

I'm using session to save some data eg. login details, data I need earlier, and of course if the screen left idol with no activity the session may time out and I would like to display a message waring the user that their session is about to expire (as some web application do) , so how can do that?


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0 227
· Feb 21, 2023
User access

Hi Guys,

How to create a user that can have access to only one specific Zen page of an application?


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