· Jun 5, 2024
JavaScript in Zen pages

Hi Guys,

This is more of a Javascript question but just in case would have an idea.

basically I'm calling the below JavaScript function from a classMethod to add Options to an html <Select> tag (Dropdown) and after adding all options I would like to set a specific value or index to be selected, its working and actually the required option is selected but not showing as selected in the dropdown box.

For testing purposes I've set option 4 to be selected by default as example and it's not showing as selected in required dropdown (green)

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Hi Guy,

Made a fresh new Install of our currently working application from our current server to a new one but when trying to run the application in the new server it raises a page not found error:

this is the web application setup

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· Apr 16, 2024
Converting from 2018 to IRIS 2024

Hi Guys,

I'm new to IRIS and I'm converting from Ensemble 2018 to IRIS but not sure how to convert my file to IRIS.dat, I copied my to a new folder then went to IRIS management portal and created a new database and specified the directory to where my and saved and I thought that IRIS will automatically convert cache.dat to IRIS.dat but instead it created a new empty IRIS.dat, I guess I was wrong in my assumptions !?

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· Apr 8, 2024
DynaTree problem

Hi Guys,

Any Idea on how can make a dynaTree with 4 levels hierarchy (attached), I'm using the below code but sometimes works and other cases it doesn't?

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0 89

Hi Guys,

After converting from Ensemble 2014 to 2018 and ran my application I get the below error message:

MSDS.ZEN.Component.imageclickbuttom exits and compiles fine and also compiled the Zen page extending the class successfully but still getting the error so not sure why I'm still getting the error!?


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· Apr 3, 2024
Security Deployed classes

Hi Guys,

I'm converting our system from Ensemble 2014 to 2018 and we do have Security package of classes in deployed mode in our 2014 (eg. Users, Role, ...etc) which doesn't exist in our newly installed 2018, so how can I include those classes in 2018?


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0 168

Hi Guys,

I've upgraded from Ensemble 2014 to 2018 and copied all classes across, ran Upgrade & CompileAll and looks fine, but when trying to search on dataCombo I get the below error

here is the definition of the Combo

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· Mar 12, 2024
Get JWT Token

Hi Guys,

I'm trying both of these methods to get a JWT token but none is working for some reason and not sure what I'm missing?

it works when I tested it from Postman


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· Nov 30, 2023
Production allowed ports

Hi Guys,

Do we need to configure something in ports so that we can use it in a production?

I've a production with 8 running services and recently added a new service with new port but unable to get it working

raising error 404.

When using an existing port that is used by current running service, my new service works fine but not when using a new port, I've added the new port to inbound rules in the firewall bit still no luck, so is there something I need to do to in Ensemble ?


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· Oct 23, 2023
Release System Locks

Hi Guys,

We currently for reason I'm getting too many locks in the system (around 990 locks) and is making the system slow

most of these locks are on globals

0 11
0 557

Hi Guys,

I've this client method in my Zen page which looks good and compile fine:

I first tried calling this clientmethod in %DrawHTML() like : var res=zenPage.getNewPrinters(); but for some reason didn't work not sure why I even tried simplifying my clientMethod with simple code like just showing alert but still this call didn't work

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0 338

Hi Guys,

I've an fileupload and button that executes Upload() clientmethod to upload files in my database and everything works fine when I run the application in the server where it is located, but if I run it from a client machine the %OnSubmit class method doesn't get invoked when form.submit() get executed so how can I fix this?

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· Sep 8, 2023
Viewing stored images

Hi Guys,

In my Zen page I've a grid with a list of uploaded images and it's working fine when running from the Server where the application resides where I can just click to an image and my code displays the image in a second screen (MSDS.Image.StreamServer.cls) ,

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· Aug 14, 2023
Do Vs Job method call

Hi Guys,

below is a javascript sample code in one of my methods in a CSP page where I'm loading some data from a global to a Javascript arrays, the problem is that if I call the method with do (d ..mymethod()) everything works fine but calling it with Job (J ..mymethod()) it seems that the javascript part is not working, is there a way to fix this?

The reason why I'm using Job call because I need it to run in background and not to hold other processes.

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