I can always install the Gateway as I have already just installed it but the reason why I'm asking is that because after installing the gateway from CSPGateway installer my application didn't work and was wondering if not having the gateway initially installed with ensemble could be the reason why the Zen application is not working, I've raised a separate case in this link: 

Page not found in Zen application | InterSystems Developer Community |


Spot on Ben & Enrico, I've mapped the package in my namespace and now looks good, the only problem is that before doing that, I tried creating Security.Common in my namespace by copying the content of it from my old system then went to my new system right click in Security Package--> new class and pasted the content then save & compile, but before mapping the package as mentioned, I deleted the class from my namespace and after the  mapping I can all classes except  Security.Common, my namespace now compiles fine with no errors but I'm wondering if that means I lost the Common class from my %Sys namespace as I can't see it there anymore?


When I compile the class of the custom component it creates the .js & .css components in install\CSP\us-serenity where us-serenity is my namespace, so I manually copied those  components to install\CSP\broker and that fixed the error, so I'm wondering why when compiling it doesn't generate to broker folder or how can I make my install look for the generated components in  install\CSP\us-serenity instead of install\CSP\broker

Thanks Stephen

Yes, as I mentioned I compiled MSDS.ZEN.Component.imageclickbuttom and also class in question MSDS.UI.HandHeld.RTLSLogin.ProductLine and both compiled successfully

I also ran d $System.OBJ.CompileAll("c-k-l") from the terminal and yes I got 24 Errors but none is related to classes in question (MSDS.ZEN.Component.imageclickbuttom or MSDS.UI.HandHeld.RTLSLogin.ProductLine)