go to post Rochdi Badis · Aug 16, 2022 Never mind guys, I've reset security to defaults in IE and all good now, but strange that the ESC was Off but I had that message. Thanks
go to post Rochdi Badis · Jul 22, 2022 Never mind Ben, I see what it is, it's just a bowser option where it's available in IE but not Chrome. but for some season I'm unable to run my Zen page from IE, chrome works fine, so is there a security option or restrictions that I should change in my IE browser, I've tried to change a few setting and level of security with no luck? FYI, I'm running IE V1607 in windows server 2016. Thanks
go to post Rochdi Badis · Jun 1, 2022 Never mind guys found the problem, i missed to put quit with a stauts as required (Quit $$$OK) Method OnTask() As %Status{S res= myclasdsQuit $$$OK}
go to post Rochdi Badis · Nov 25, 2021 Ok if you try exporting and opening a Zen report to Excel in a machine that doesn't have MS excel installed you want to be able to open the exported file. With Crystal reports for example there a runtime EXE that you can install that have all required DLLs and files that allow the user to view a crystal report without having to install the full version of Crystal (see this link for more info:https://www.tektutorialshub.com/crystal-reports/how-to-download-and-inst...) So I'm asking if there is a Runtime EXE for excel or MS Office that I can install to allow users to open & view the generated .csv report? Thanks
go to post Rochdi Badis · Jan 15, 2018 Never mind guys, I've added this kind of code and seems to be working I think. Set Body1 = ##class(%ZEN.proxyObject).%New() Set Body1.Test = "fiel" Set Body1.Test2 = "ttss" Set Emp= ##class(%ListOfDataTypes).%New() Do Emp.Insert(Body1) Set Body.Array = Emp Thanks