Question Rochdi Badis · May 7, 2022 HTTP request using a curl Hi guys, How do I create a make a http request using curl, I've found samples on how to do it from a command prompt but how to create and make a http post request and get a response with ensemble object and functions? I guess somthing like : #Ensemble 0 2 0 499
Question Rochdi Badis · May 4, 2022 HTTP post request Hi Guys, How do I do a HTTP post request using a curl and get a response, the response should be a JSON file ? a sample code would be really appreciated. Thanks #Ensemble 0 4 0 374
Question Rochdi Badis · Apr 27, 2022 Maximum allowed System Tasks Hi guys, We have created a utility to allow users to create a System task for a list of items the same way it’s done via SMP (attached below), the problem is that there may items and those systems tasks will grow a maybe exceed a couple of thousands so : #Ensemble 0 1 0 210
Question Rochdi Badis · Apr 26, 2022 CAST an average time problem Hi guys, I have a %Time filed with (Format=1) to allow showing and the field is showing fine in display mode eg: it should show 00:07:30 but the seconds are cut off from it as below : #Ensemble 0 8 0 239
Question Rochdi Badis · Apr 18, 2022 View Globals from Terminal Hi Guys, I know that there a way to view global content from the Terminal rather the SMP but I can't remember the command, I think it's something like D ^Global or something !? Thanks #Ensemble 0 6 0 518
Question Rochdi Badis · Apr 15, 2022 Export to Excel problem Hi Guys, I'm using the below code to export to excel and it's working fine for one client but not for another and both clients are running the same version of IE 11. for the second client the code generates an empty xlsx file and when I try to open it it says file corupted although data exits in the resultset, so is there a flag or setting needs be done in the client server or IE? #Ensemble 0 1 0 303
Question Rochdi Badis · Apr 12, 2022 Dealing with time format as string Hi Guys, I'm using seconds counter then save those seconds in a field defined as string where eg. I do : S time=30 S time = $zt(time,1) #Ensemble 0 11 0 339
Question Rochdi Badis · Apr 10, 2022 SQL query confusion Hi Guys, I'm a bit confused where if I run a query trough SMP I don't get any result which should be true but if I run the same query from a classmethod I get a query result which shouldn’t be even if I pass any gibberish parameter into my class method because I'm sure there should be any data? see attached #Ensemble 0 7 0 275
Question Rochdi Badis · Apr 6, 2022 tablePane row selection Hi Guys, I've the below tablePane and for some reason when it's populated always the last row is selected by default, I've many tablePanes defined the same way but none of them has the last row selected when populate, so not sure why this grid is doing this? #Ensemble 0 3 0 235
Question Rochdi Badis · Mar 24, 2022 Insert Row by enforcing ID Hi Guys, Can I insert a new row and enforcing my own ID not the default id increment? &sql(INSERT INTO Sample.Person (ID,Name,SSN) VALUES ('205','Swift,Jonathan','111-22-3333')) IF (SQLCODE = 0) { Write "New Person inserted with ID: ", %ROWID,! } else {WRITE !,"SQLCODE=",SQLCODE," ",%msg } #Ensemble 0 1 0 305
Question Rochdi Badis · Mar 22, 2022 Import Access database Hi Guys, is there an easy way to import MS Access database into ensemble? Thanks #Ensemble 0 1 0 272
Question Rochdi Badis · Feb 15, 2022 Select top field in SQL query Hi Guys, I've the below query that selects the existing processes with dates & times and it working fine, but in case of records with the same processedDate I would like to only get the latest based on processedTime field? #Ensemble 0 2 0 356
Question Rochdi Badis · Feb 8, 2022 Viewing query string from %ResultSet Hi guys, just a quick question on how get the sql statement that has been executed in a %ResultSet? so basically after the execute command I would like to save the SQL statement generated in a eg, a global and check sql statement? #Ensemble 0 3 0 373
Question Rochdi Badis · Feb 3, 2022 Adding Ensemble cube to startup programs Hi guys, I've two Ensemble instances running in a 2016 server but only one of them showing in startup programs. the ensemble cubes doesn't showup in the programs list from the Start button as well so how can I add the cube so I can access it's facilities (Studio, MP,...etc) #Ensemble 0 4 0 235
Question Rochdi Badis · Jan 18, 2022 Export Zen report to Excel DEFAULTMODE ="xlsx" Hi Guys, I've set DEFAULTMODE ="xlsx" in my report to be exported to Excel but it's exporting as .zip, is there something I need to add or set or maybe MS Excel to be installed in the server? Thanks #Ensemble 0 8 0 387
Question Rochdi Badis · Nov 25, 2021 Excel Runtime EXE Hi Guys, is there a Runtime EXE for Excel or ms office, I've a report that would like to open in excel? Thanks #Ensemble 0 3 0 1.5K
Question Rochdi Badis · Nov 16, 2021 Export Zen Report or Query to a CSV file Hi Guys, How can I download or populate a query resultset or a content or DataGrid or zen report to a CSV file ? #Ensemble 0 9 0 405
Question Rochdi Badis · Nov 2, 2021 textarea in tablepane cell Hi Guys, I've bind a textarea to show up in a tablepane cell and it's working fine as follow: this the column injh question: #Ensemble 0 4 0 161
Question Rochdi Badis · Oct 27, 2021 Including datetext in a table pane Hi Guys, is there a way to include a datetext in a tablepane cell maybe using OnDrawCell? I've tried : &html<<input type ="date" id="serialno" style=" width: 80%;" />> #Ensemble 0 4 0 153