· Apr 6, 2022

tablePane row selection

Hi Guys,

I've the below tablePane and for some reason when it's populated always the last row is selected by default, I've many tablePanes defined the same way but none of them has the last row selected when populate, so not sure why this grid is doing this? 

<parameter />
<parameter />
<parameter />
<parameter />
<parameter />
<parameter />
<parameter />
    <column colName="Sit" header="Sit name" width="50%" style="text-align:left;" filterType="text" filterOp="[" />
    <column colName="Label"  header="Label" width="10%" filterType="text" filterOp="["/>
    <column colName="userno" header="Packed By" width="10%" filterType="text" filterOp="["/>
    <column colName="LogedDate" header="Packed Date" width="10%" />
     <column colName="LogedTime" header="Packed Time" width="10%" />
    <column colName="TimeSpent" header="Spent Time" width="10%" style="text-align:left;"/>
<tableNavigatorBar tablePaneId="ItemsTable"/>


Product version: Ensemble 2014.1
Discussion (3)1
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We need to look at your full code, since there is nothing suspicious in the specified piece of code. I made a small example and there is no highlighting of the last line:

Source code