go to post Ashok Kumar · Aug 29 And I'm trying to execute these lines from post and git in to my .py source file. This functions are not available in iris library package.So, Is this code snippet is only applicable for embedded python. Please correct me If I'm doing wrong If the below syntax works in python source file, What changed I need to do in my package. # switch namespace to the %SYS namespace iris.system.Process.SetNamespace("%SYS") # set credentials to not expire iris.cls('Security.Users').UnExpireUserPasswords("*") print(iris.cls('dc.python.ObjectScript').Test()) Thanks!
go to post Ashok Kumar · Aug 28 Hello @Raj Singh Certainly. There is no issue in the python installation in my different machine (windows). I'm using my IRIS local instance to connect in both. No major difference except the port number and I'm using the super server port number in both cases.
go to post Ashok Kumar · Aug 28 Thanks @Luis Angel Pérez Ramos It works. I downloaded and installed in python. However I got timeout error while trying to connect the IRIS in one machine and it works in another machine. IDK pyodbc is required anyway it is also installed. import iris # Open a connection to the server args = {'hostname':'', 'port':52773, 'namespace':'USER', 'username':'_SYSTEM', 'password':'SYS' } try: conn = iris.connect(**args) # Create an iris object irispy = iris.createIRIS(conn) except Exception as e: # Handling the exception and printing the error print(f"An error occurred: {e}") error mesage conn = iris.connect(**args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\iris\_IRISNative.py", line 167, in connect connection._connect(hostname, port, namespace, username, password, timeout, sharedmemory, logfile, sslcontext, autoCommit, isolationLevel, featureOptions) File "C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\iris\_IRISConnection.py", line 282, in _connect raise e File "C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\iris\_IRISConnection.py", line 190, in _connect self._in_message._read_message_sql(sequence_number) File "C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\iris\_InStream.py", line 46, in _read_message_sql is_for_gateway = self.__read_message_internal(expected_message_id, expected_statement_id, type) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\iris\_InStream.py", line 59, in __read_message_internal self.__read_buffer(header.buffer, 0, iris._MessageHeader._MessageHeader.HEADER_SIZE) File "C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\iris\_InStream.py", line 133, in __read_buffer data = self._device.recv(length) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\iris\_Device.py", line 40, in recv return self._socket.recv(len) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TimeoutError: timed out Thanks!
go to post Ashok Kumar · Aug 5 Hello @Tommy Heyding Thank you for pointing ToList in %SYS.Python It works for $LIST only not for the dynamicarray. Yes I believe the same convert the dynamic array to $LIST and send to the python. I grab the sample from doc set clist = $lb(123, 456.789, "hello world") set plist = ##class(%SYS.Python).ToList(clist)
go to post Ashok Kumar · Jul 29 You can use BPL or Businessrules to utilize your DTL in Business process
go to post Ashok Kumar · Jul 29 Hello, Have you tried use the record map persistent class directly in the DTL as a source class and use SDA class as Target class. I use Allergy SDA for sample. DTL sample Record mapping
go to post Ashok Kumar · Jul 24 You can able to export/Import the web apps to various ways. One of the way is Export method in Security.Application class write ##Class(Security.Applications).Export(,1)
go to post Ashok Kumar · Jul 21 Thanks Robert, The validateIndices() and absolutely It's useful. For the first point. As far of my understanding both existing/newly created index both are set as "not selectable" at the time of building BUILD Index/%BuildIndices(). As per the documentation about the live system "not selectable" by default in BUILD INDEX. So, Does it applicable for programmatic %BuildIndices() as well?
go to post Ashok Kumar · Jul 20 Hello @Yone Moreno Jimenez Try this below input in your DTL. Because the property Informes as a list so you have to create the xml data like below Property Informes As list Of EsquemasDatos.DragoAP.Portal360.Informes(XMLNAME = "Informes"); You can create a main object and set all the properties and use obj.XMLExportToString(.xmlString) for the xml structure of the class object. That will be helpful for forming the input for DTL as well. <InformeVisitaRequest> <Paciente> <NumExpediente>12</NumExpediente> <Informes> <Informes> <Fecha_Creacion>tescreation</Fecha_Creacion> <Id_Visita>tesVistia</Id_Visita> <Titulo>tesTitulo</Titulo> <Desc_Tipo_Plant>Desc_Tipo_Plant</Desc_Tipo_Plant> <NumExpediente>1212</NumExpediente> </Informes> </Informes> </Paciente> </InformeVisitaRequest> Thanks!
go to post Ashok Kumar · Jul 17 Hello Mihoko, Really useful class to get the errors. I did some slight modification in that code to use it ClassMethod GetErrorLogs(pDate = {$H}) { Set oldNamespace = $Namespace New $Namespace Set $Namespace= "%SYS" Set tResult = ##class(SYS.ApplicationError).ErrorListFunc(oldNamespace,$ZDate(pDate)) Do tResult.%Display() }
go to post Ashok Kumar · Jul 16 Hello @Martin Nielsen Quick note, You can get the manually created web applications via /v1/{namespace}/restapps in the web application "/api/mgmnt" ex: http://localhost:52773/api/mgmnt/v1/learning/restapps. This will list down all the v1 applications and from that you can use the web app name to get the openAPI(swagger 2.0) by using the the url /v1/{namespace}/spec/{web app name} ex: http://localhost:52773/api/mgmnt/v1/learning/spec/dc/samprest
go to post Ashok Kumar · Jul 16 Thanks a lot @Tani Frankel I reinstalled the instance as unicode system and the <WIDE CHAR> error is gone. I could able to see the couple of endpoints in web app and access the fhir sql home page without any issues. So, How can I resolve this same issue in the 8 bit legacy system. Do you think this is an serious issue in 8 bit? Regards, Ashok.
go to post Ashok Kumar · Jul 15 Here is the details from the HS.Util.Installer.HSSYS-0.log file. I don't see "HS.HealthConnect.FHIRSQL.Upgrade.V2:InstallOnce-HSSYS-1 Configured FHIRSQL Application endpoints". Anyway I could able to see the FHIR endpoints in 2024.1 (build 267.2) in other machine. However I'm unable to connect the page http://hostname:portnumber/csp/fhirsql/index.html#/ 2024-07-13 20:20:08.984 HS.Util.Installer.ConfigItem:CreateDatabaseAndNamespace About to Create Database hssys2024-07-13 20:20:09.120 HS.Util.Installer.ConfigItem:CreateDatabaseAndNamespace Created IRIS.DAT in c:\intersystems\irishealth\mgr\hssys2024-07-13 20:20:09.189 HS.Util.Installer.ConfigItem:CreateDatabaseAndNamespace Made Namespace hssys2024-07-13 20:20:11.169 HS.Util.Installer.ConfigItem:MapIPM Added package mapping: %IPM from HSLIB to HSSYS2024-07-13 20:20:35.475 HS.Util.Installer.ConfigItem:CreateWebApplicationForRESTServices Created web application for REST Services: /api/healthshare-rest/hssys And I did not see "HS.HealthConnect.FHIRSQL.Upgrade.V2:InstallOnce-HSSYS-1 Configured FHIRSQL Application endpoints" and anything related to FHIR SQL API in ensinstall.log as well. I found some error message Starting HealthShare Foundation Security Upgrade Adding %HSAdmin_InstallationManagement to %EnsRole_Developer and EnsRole_Administrator rolesCreated additional Security Roles and ResourcesCreated web applications for HSLIBHS.Util.Installer.ConfigItem:CreateWebApplicationForRESTServices Created web application for REST Services: /api/healthshare-rest/hssysCreated web applications for HSSYSCreated web applications for HSCUSTOM + Installed component HSLIB Failed ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <WIDE CHAR>AddSchemaType+150^%XML.Schema.1Installation failed: ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <WIDE CHAR>AddSchemaType+150^%XML.Schema.1 Thanks!
go to post Ashok Kumar · Jul 14 Thanks @Robert Cemper I've go over the documentation and the hash value represents that's an embedded SQL cached query and ends with integer is dynamic SQL. But why the both cached queries are generated while running the sql in management portal. AFAIK, I haven't seen these two cached queries in some other versions.
go to post Ashok Kumar · Jul 14 Hello Tani, No problem, It's actually a valid question. I downloaded and installed InterSystems IRIS for Health. I had created FHIR resource repositories as well. But I'm unable to see the FHIR SQL endpoints USER>write $ZV IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2024.1 (Build 267.2) Tue Apr 30 2024 16:42:56 EDT USER>Write ##Class(%ZHSLIB.HealthShareMgr).IsIRISHealthInstance() 1
go to post Ashok Kumar · Jul 5 Hello @Scott Roth The OnInit Method executed once start/restart a Business Operation. Maybe You can create additional HTTP Business operation and call this operation based on the create/renewal for OAuth token. Eventually you can call that operation as sendrequestsync and get the token in your actual business operation. Please share if any additional thoughts about this flow. Thanks!
go to post Ashok Kumar · Jul 4 Hello @Martin Nielsen I did some analysis about this. As of my understanding, I found this is because of the method DispatchRequest in the %CSP.REST. The below piece of code is actually skip your accountId due to forward your request to another "DispatchRequest" in the other dispatch class(for your case "AnotherController" class). But these are rewritten in IRIS already. You can try override this method for testing. Set tMatchUrl=$Piece(tMatchUrl,tMatchcher.Group(1),"2",*),tForward=$LisGet(tMapEntry,3) Actual Url: /1001/anothercontroller/001 Url after above line executed: /001
go to post Ashok Kumar · Jul 4 Hello @Sylvie Greverend The sample swagger for produces "image/jpeg" and consumes "application/json" and "application/xml" for sample. Once the spec.cls. Once it's complied it creates a "DownloadImg" classmethod in .disp.cls swagger { "swagger": "2.0", "info": { "title": "test", "version": "1.0.0" }, "paths": { "/Test": { "get": { "summary": "Test download", "operationId": "DownloadImg", "produces": [ "image/jpeg" ], "consumes": [ "application/json", "application/xml" ] } } } } Generated class method ClassMethod DownloadImg() As %Status { Try { Do ##class(%REST.Impl).%SetContentType("image/jpeg") If '##class(%REST.Impl).%CheckAccepts("image/jpeg") { Try { Do ##class(MyLearn.LearnREST.Swag.impl).%ReportRESTError(..#HTTP406NOTACCEPTABLE,$$$ERROR($$$RESTBadAccepts)) } Catch { Do ##class(%REST.Impl).%ReportRESTError(..#HTTP406NOTACCEPTABLE,$$$ERROR($$$RESTBadAccepts)) } Quit } Set response=##class(MyLearn.LearnREST.Swag.impl).DownloadImg() Do ##class(MyLearn.LearnREST.Swag.impl).%WriteResponse(response) } Catch (ex) { Try { Do ##class(MyLearn.LearnREST.Swag.impl).%ReportRESTError(..#HTTP500INTERNALSERVERERROR,ex.AsStatus(),$parameter("MyLearn.LearnREST.Swag.impl","ExposeServerExceptions")) } Catch { Do ##class(%REST.Impl).%ReportRESTError(..#HTTP500INTERNALSERVERERROR,ex.AsStatus(),$parameter("MyLearn.LearnREST.Swag.impl","ExposeServerExceptions")) } } Quit $$$OK } Some useful links HTH.