Thanks for all replies in advance. We have a security vulnerability that we have to get rid of. We use Putty software to connect to cache as a terminal allowing several users to do maintenance work in cache. this uses telnet Plain text. I know that we can configure telnet to be encrypted using the super server service and I'm looking for software that can work like Putty as a terminal using encryption compatible with cache telnet encryption. If I have cache installed on my PC and setup a connection to the server using Kerberos with encryption and use the terminal option to connect to

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· Mar 23, 2017
problem with Mirroring

Hello, Thanks in advance for all replies. I have been practicing setting up mirroring between two development servers in preparation for mirroring our production server in a few weeks. I started by setting the servers up with minimum security which worked easily, then I set it up in lock down mode again without any issues. Now I am setting it up in lockdown mode with encryption and this one is testing me. I have everything setup but my async dr member cannot connect to the primary.

from cconsole.log

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· Dec 5, 2016

All replies are appreciated. We have put our first client into our production cache database and we are looking at what kind of regular maintenance is needed. We were questioning whether we should defrag the database files using windows defrag program and whether we need to run the defrag for Globals regularly? Should we be doing these routinely , occasionally or not at all?

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· Nov 23, 2016
Cache up in emergency mode

Good Morning, All replies are appreciated.

We have a development instance of cache that was installed and the person that installed and set it up is no longer here. We have no id's that we have the passwords for. I have brought the database up in emergency mode and I can get access thru the terminal using my emergency id but I do not know how to add a user/password thru the terminal. Can someone enlighten me or point me to documentation that I haven't found yet.

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Thanks for all replies in advance. In monitoring our audit log we are getting the error below. We have 4 different servers running CACHE 2014.1.1 and this is happening on all 4 of them. I have not been able to find what process is trying to logon but it is happening every 30 minutes. We have no user processes that are running so this has to be a CACHE process. Does anyone have an Ideal what could be running to cause this? What kind of trace can I run to determine what process is running it?

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Good Morning and thanks in advance for all replies. I have created a PowerShell script for backing up CACHE and all related files to be run on a nightly basis. My script works as long as the Unknownuser has %all access which is not acceptable in our production environment. I have tried every format I can thank of to get the script to use a specific id with no luck. How can I get this command to run under a specific id?

..\bin\cache -s. -U%SYS "##Class(Backup.General).ExternalFreeze() <d:\backup\login.scr"

The file just has

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All responses are appreciated. I am new to both scripting and CACHE so please bear with me. I am setting up a nightly backup script for freezing cache then backing it up and then thawing it back out. Currently when I enter the freeze command I am getting a response of access denied even though my id has %all access. I've tried passing the userid/password as a parameter in the externalfreeze command and passing it from a file. I've used my id and lastly I used the _system id in the file. What ID should I use for this or am I passing it wrong?

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