I am trying to read some binary data from a local file or through socket.

The binary data is like H.264 codec, I need to read data BYTE by BYTE (even BIT by BIT) and decide the next step based on the data read so far.

I check the documentation and it seems like most of the sample focus on human readable IO, ie: LINE by LINE.

Could I achieve my goal through COS?


0 3
0 1.3K
· Aug 18, 2017

I want to manipulate all the objects whose type is%Dictionary.StorageSQLMapDefinition by %OpenId

However, I don't know the exact id to feed into %OpenId, is there a way to query all the existing ids of %Dictionary.StorageSQLMapDefinition in a namespace?


0 3
0 396
· Aug 16, 2017

I try to run below two statements

Set tRS = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("%Dictionary.ClassDefinition:SubclassOf")
​set tSC = tRS.Execute("%Persistent")

and I always get <PROTECT>check+5^%Dictionary.ClassDefinitionQuery.1

The login user is _SYSTEM and should have all the permissions.

I cannot run queries in the $SYSTEM.SQL.Shell(). I would get <PROTECT>%GenerateMetadata+16^%SQL.StatementMetadata.1

However, when I run the query through SMP, everything is fine.

Any idea where could I start to investigate ?


1 5
0 2.9K
· Jul 21, 2017
how to redirect IO

I get a third party routine which outputs some messages to standard output during execution.

Is it possible that I could direct the messages to other device so my terminal would never see this messages?


0 1
0 668

Below are the output messages when Cache start.

Allocated 178MB shared memory: 1MB global buffers, 26MB routine buffers

I try to configure the global buffer size by [System] -> [Configuration] -> [Memory and Startup] from SMP,

but it seems like the changes does not apply to the global buffer.

Thanks for your help.

0 4
0 1.4K
· Jul 16, 2017
How to index a class


I have two persistent classes defined. Lets call it Parent and Child.

Child class is one of the property of Parent Class.

I would like to define a index on Child class.

So what is the default behaviour I defined a index on a non simple data type member?

Any possibility that I could customized the behaviour ? For example. Child class has three properties.

Could I configure the index to index any combinations of these three properties?

Thanks for your help.

0 1
0 641

"SELECT %SYSTEM.SQL_TableExists('table name') "could work as expected under SQL shell,

but for "CALL %SYSTEM.SQL_TableExists('table name')" does not work (not any error reported, it just show nothing).

Is there any reason why CALL could not be applied to a stored procedure?


0 7
0 497


I want to attach one local namespace on instance A to the database on instance B.

How could I use ECP to achieve my goal?

Should I config instance B as ECP data server? If so, how could I explicitly specify which database on instance B could be exposed ?

Thanks for your help.

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0 540