Hello Experts ,

Could you help to search message details based on MRN in intersytems iris.

We have created 100+ interfaces and currenly in live (interystems cloud) . Now I try to search message details based on MRN using below query. it is working fine in DEV. but in prod it is taking ages.

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Hi Friends,

We have a requirement to read pdf text in ensemble object script code. As object script doesn't have direct solution , i tried to implement python code , but

iris 2020 , there is no support for python in object script.

so I have found one java utill using pdfbox api.

Now I have created jar and want to register into iris and want to make a call to mymethod to read pdf text.

please help me to way forward to achieve it.

java code:


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· Oct 13, 2023
Search string in pdf

Hi Friends ,

We have a use case to search a given word in pdf and based on the result i need to send pdf to particular outbound system.

Here we used to do with some java library help in oracle soa integrations , now we are migrating oracle soa to intersystems .

Please help me if we have any library available in objectscript cahe.



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Hi Friends,

I have created one utility method to check given id exist some reference table or not. If exist the method return1 otherwise 0.

But some times the backed table data will be reload with another process (REST request) , on any point of time. This reload process max it will take 30 seconds.

My Requirement is , the utility method should wait , if table reload is in progress.

Could you give me any suggestion for this issue.



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Hi Friends ,

We have requirement to load data into chache tables from external database (ref data). This process will take 1 min to complete all data load.

Currently I have created Business Service to trigger Business Operation with out bound db adapter to load data into cache tables.

process will be trigger when i restarted business service.

But requirement is , this business service should be triggered from outside ensemble environment i.e , this should expose as REST endpoint and share with the external team.

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Hi Friends ,

I have created inbound DB adapter business service. Now my requirement to trigger this service at 10am daily.

I used scheduler , but I don't know when should i configure for stop. this not suits for my requirement.

Is there any other way , where I need to trigger service only once , in configured times.



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Hi Friends,

I have created and exposed a web service for the given WSDL.

daily 500+ requests are processed via this SOAP service in live.

after 2 days live server got stopped with no web sessions available.

We removed this SOAP service, now live is working fine. We are investigating why web sessions got increased.

Could you please give me any clue, as to why web sessions got increased with the unknown user while processing requests through SOAP service?



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I’m creating a REST API service but I need to convert my object in JSON.

Class message_B Extends Ens.Request
Property ClientId As %String(MAXLEN = "");

Property mesagge As %Stream.TmpBinary;

set pRequest = ##Class(message_B).%New()
​do ##class(Ens.Util.JSON).ObjectToJSONStream(pRequest, .content)

it is ignoring message property in json dueto its data type %Stream.TmpBinary

Could you please help me to resolve it?

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Hi Friends,

I have created an object script class method to anonymize live hl7 messages with some info masking.

To anonymize files , I need to place live messages in d://input folder and need to execute the below command in the Intersystems terminal

do ##class(prashanth.tool.HL7Annonymiser).processFilesInDir("D:\Input\")

ANONYMIZED files will be generated in D:\output\" folder.

everything is working fine.

Here when i need to annonymise some files ,

1) I need to open terminal (iris)

2) connected to user

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Hi Firneds

I have few odscodes in Lookup table named "AllowLT" .

Now I need to continue if I found value in lookup table or stop it. For that I have colleting the value form lookup table for input HL7 message OBR:21 value.

I know if found in lookup table it will return 1 or 0 . If not found what it will return below line? to return 0 in case , given key not available in lookup table , what I need to write?

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Hi Friends,

In my production already we have business components (business service , process, operations) and all are working fine.

Now I have change the package structure of few classes and want to update the references in settings for Business components in Management portal.

As this class field is read only , Any other way to update the class reference, instead of creating new business component?

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