· Oct 13, 2023

Search string in pdf

Hi Friends ,

We have a use case to search a given word in pdf and based on the result i need to send pdf to particular outbound system.

Here we used to do with some java library help in oracle soa integrations , now we are migrating oracle soa to intersystems .

Please help me if we have any library available in objectscript cahe.




Product version: IRIS 2023.1
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I have got an answer while searching in community pages.

I have written below code , reading all text from pdf

Class PRASHANTHNSPKG.ReadPDF Extends %RegisteredObject


/// zw ##class(User.PDF).GetText("/tmp/example.pdf", .text)

ClassMethod GetText(file, Output text) As %Status


  Try {

    #dim sc As %Status = $$$OK

    Kill text

    Set dir = $SYSTEM.Util.ManagerDirectory()_ "python"

    Do ##class(%File).CreateDirectoryChain(dir)


    /// C:\InterSystems\IRISHealth\bin>irispip install --target C:\InterSystems\IRISHealth\mgr\python PyPDF2

    Try {

      Set pypdf2 = $SYSTEM.Python.Import("PyPDF2")

    } Catch {

      Set cmd = "irispip"

      Set args($INCREMENT(args)) = "install"

      Set args($INCREMENT(args)) = "--target"

      Set args($INCREMENT(args)) = dir

      Set args($INCREMENT(args)) = "PyPDF2"

      Set sc = $ZF(-100,"", cmd, .args)

      Set pypdf2 = $SYSTEM.Python.Import("PyPDF2")


    Return:'$DATA(pypdf2) $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, "Unable to load PyPDF2")

    Kill pypdf2

    Set text = ..GetTextPy(file)

  } Catch ex {

    Set sc = ex.AsStatus()


  Quit sc


ClassMethod GetTextPy(file) [ Language = python ]


  from PyPDF2 import PdfReader

  reader = PdfReader(file)

  text = ""

  for page in reader.pages:

    text += page.extract_text() + "\n"

  return text

