Question Norman W. Freeman · Nov 15, 2024 stream.Read() only reading in chunks of 1K I use the following code to calculate the SHA1 of a file : #Performance #InterSystems IRIS 1 2 0 138
Question Norman W. Freeman · Nov 7, 2024 Existing protections against XSS attacks on CSP pages ? Is there any mechanism already implemented in IRIS to prevent XSS exploits ? This case happen when user input html/javascript content into fields and submit the page. If saved content is rendered as is, it's going to be executed by anyone visiting the page. What I am looking for : #CSP #Key Question #Security #InterSystems IRIS 0 4 0 196
Question Norman W. Freeman · Oct 26, 2024 Is there some tricks to make $system.obj.load() faster ? I'm using $system.obj.load() to synchronize a folder contains many classes (CLS) in UDL format. I use "-d" as flag (compilation is done later one). It's already done in parallel to make it as fast as possible but I was wondering if there was way to make this even faster, for example using some tradeoffs (eg: by turning off some features before loading them all (that would be re-enabled later on)). It's currently taking 250 seconds to import 3000 classes. MAC file and GBL import is much faster. #InterSystems IRIS 1 5 0 163
Question Norman W. Freeman · Oct 14, 2024 Is $system.OBJ.Load() thread safe ? Is it OK to load files (UDL format in my case) using the $system.OBJ.Load() function from multiple processes ? In other words ,is that function thread safe ? #InterSystems IRIS 0 1 0 111
Question Norman W. Freeman · Oct 8, 2024 How to convert IRIS from 8-bit into Unicode ? I have an IRIS installation that is using 8-bit charset encoding (set to deu8 / Latin 1). I would like to convert everything (database and system) to Unicode Charset encoding is something asked during installation, is it possible to change this on the fly ? The installer clearly say that Unicode systems cannot be converted. What about 8 bit ? Same for database : is there possible conversion ? My current plan is the following : #Databases #InterSystems IRIS 0 5 0 302
Question Norman W. Freeman · Oct 2, 2024 Possible contamination of full lock table between ECP application servers or via remote databases ? If several application servers are connected using ECP, and one of them create many locks, so many that lock table became full : Should we expect only that application server to be impacted ? (usually, when lock table is full the system became instable). Or, are other application servers going to be impacted the same way ? (because that lock table is synchronized and maintained in sync across all servers) #Databases #ECP #InterSystems IRIS 0 3 0 79
Question Norman W. Freeman · Aug 14, 2024 Iterating ^$GLOBAL is very slow I use the following code to loop trough all globals : #InterSystems IRIS 3 5 0 223
Question Norman W. Freeman · Jun 27, 2024 Is it possible to create constructor overloads ? I have a class that inherit from AbstractException I would like to create a new constructor that has 5 parameters : #InterSystems IRIS 0 6 0 182
Question Norman W. Freeman · Feb 1, 2024 Is there a simple way to check if a given class need to be recompiled ? A class (and routine) definition can sometimes differ from it's compiled state.When such a thing occurs, a "+" sign will be shown in the tab of the file opened in Studio. I would like to do the same check programmatically. For routines, it's very simple : #InterSystems IRIS 0 4 0 174
Question Norman W. Freeman · Dec 20, 2023 How to decode the binary data produced by in the event log ? I am using the event logger from CSP gateway with level "v9r" enabled, in order to dump the raw content of some HTTP requests. I would like to decode the body response data, when it's in binary form. AFAIK the event logger will convert characters outside the 32-127 range (EBCDIC) to the "\xff" notation (where ff is a hexadecimal value). Here is an example : #Web Gateway #InterSystems IRIS 0 4 0 971
Question Norman W. Freeman · Oct 30, 2023 Is it possible to call a superclass method outside the method with same name ? The following code call the method of the same name as defined in the nearest superclass: #InterSystems IRIS 0 8 0 422
Question Norman W. Freeman · Oct 4, 2023 Is there a class that implement a connection pool ? If not, is it possible to implement one ? I have some code that fire this kind of request very often : #InterSystems IRIS 0 3 0 277
Question Norman W. Freeman · Aug 31, 2023 Is there a parameter to configure whether the web gateway should maintain connections with the super server? I have notified the following : #Web Gateway #InterSystems IRIS 0 5 0 241
Question Norman W. Freeman · Aug 25, 2023 Why does audit report "login" events for static resources? I have enabled Audit in Portal for monitoring license usage. When the system is under load, this event appears quite often : #Management Portal #InterSystems IRIS 0 4 0 216
Question Norman W. Freeman · Aug 4, 2023 How to create a global node, without knowing the number of keys in advance ? Hello,I would like to do the following : #Databases #InterSystems IRIS 0 6 0 238
Question Norman W. Freeman · Jul 27, 2023 Is it possible to get a list all active open TCP/IP connections made by IRIS ? There is several classes that allow to create TCP/IP connections (eg: to connect to a service). Example : %Net.FtpSession (port 21), %Net.HttpRequest (usually port 80 or 443) AFAIK connection will stay open unless closed explicitly or if variable that hold the instance is garbage collected. Is there a way to get a list of all active (open) TCP/IP connections IRIS is maintaining so far ? #Management Portal #InterSystems IRIS 0 6 0 477
Question Norman W. Freeman · Jul 18, 2023 Some questions about garbage collector Hello, I am looking for information about garbage collector. I already looked at documentation but I could not find anything about it.Here is some questions : #InterSystems IRIS 0 3 0 354
Question Norman W. Freeman · Jul 10, 2023 Is there a way to view/mount journals from another system on a local instance ? I have several 1GB journals from a LIVE server that I would like to inspect (eg: check which globals have been updated over the time). Is there a simple way to view those journals using another IRIS instance ? (eg: local installation). I have been tempted to put those files directly into the journal folder of my local installation and restart the system, however I am concerned that the transactions they contains will be restored and will corrupt the local database. #Databases #Journaling #InterSystems IRIS 0 10 1 386
Question Norman W. Freeman · Jul 6, 2023 Are there any known causes of IRIS entering a deadlock/hang state? Based on your experience, do you know any reason why IRIS would enter a deadlock/hang state ? When such thing occurs, it's no more possible to connect to Portal or Studio, despite IRIS service (IRIS.EXE processes) being still active. CPU/memory/network usage are usually very low (eg: it does not occurs because server is overloaded). The only fix is a full restart of IRIS (eg: by clicking on IRIS icon in notification toolbar and choosing appropriate action). #InterSystems IRIS 0 6 0 339
Question Norman W. Freeman · Jun 9, 2023 Is there a way to retrieve a list of all globals that have been read/written in a given context (eg: CSP request) or time period ? Hello, I would like to get a list of all globals that have been read or written during a given context. In Portal, there are counters in dashboard that give the number of read/write to globals in general. What I am looking for : - some handler (eg: like $ZTRAP) that will be called everytime something is read/written to a global. - to activate a "global log mode" in Portal that will dump some information to a file (like ^ISCSOAP for SOAP requests). #Globals #Performance #InterSystems IRIS 1 2 0 287