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Member since Sep 9, 2020

Classes (which are high level) are converted to INT modules. INT and MAC files are compiled into OBJ. This is binary data (similar to Java bytecode) that will be interpreted using some kind of virtual machine/interpreter. A "+" sign appears in Studio when the modified date of a MAC or INT module is different than the related OBJ.

You can take a look at ^rMAC, ^rOBJ and ^ROUTINE globals for more details.

Thanks. I tried it and it works great most the time. However, I got a few cases where the IsUpToDate() returns 0 while the class does not show any "+" sign in Studio. I tried different values for "type" parameter but it does not help.

The error reported is as such : 
ERROR: ^oddCOM(cls,timechanged) does not exist

I checked and indeed there is no TimeChanged or TimeCreated in the class compiled global. Seems Studio is happy with that.

Thanks for the code.

The pound symbol is indeed the entry U+00A3 in the Unicode table, but it's always encoded as 0xc2 0xa3 in UTF-8. See this page. In UTF-8, anything above U+007F will be encoded with 2 bytes.

When you see \xc2 inside CSP gateway logs, you have now clue if it was originally 0xc2 or if it was already \xc2 (0x5c 0x78 0x63 0x32 in hexa) because there is no escaping made. Apache will instead double the backslash (\\xc2) so you know it was originally \xc2 and not 0xc2. 

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