· Oct 26, 2024

Is there some tricks to make $system.obj.load() faster ?

I'm using $system.obj.load() to synchronize a folder contains many classes (CLS) in UDL format. I use "-d" as flag (compilation is done later one). It's already done in parallel to make it as fast as possible but I was wondering if there was way to make this even faster, for example using some tradeoffs (eg: by turning off some features before loading them all (that would be re-enabled later on)). It's currently taking 250 seconds to import 3000 classes. MAC file and GBL import is much faster.

Product version: IRIS 2021.1
$ZV: IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2021.1 (Build 215U) Wed Jun 9 2021 09:39:22 EDT
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I tried that and what happen is weird : the CPU usage of IRISDB.exe processes (4 of them used as workers) fall back to 0-1% while before it was peaking 25% (on a 4 cores machine, so 100% of the CPU was used). Despite this, it takes as much time as before, if not even more. There might be some bottleneck. I don't think it's I/O because importing MAC file is definitely faster (and they just as big as CLS files).

  • .MAC  and much more .INT  are an almost 1:1 image of the runtime .OBJ code
  • they get implicitely compiled by ZSAVE command
  • while any .CLS gets first stored with a lot of internal parameters where XML is faster than UDL
  • then it's translated to .INT(at least) including all extra params,  
  • and inherited pieces and other features for comfort 
  • and then compiled as any other .INT for the final .OBJ 

So comparing .CLS  to .MAC/.INT is like comparing a goat to the final cheese you buy.

Thanks for the suggestion. I have tried to group CLS files to be loaded into clusters of 256 items, each cluster is then sent to a worker (instead of worker getting one CLS at a time). This increase chance of worker working exclusively on one package. In the end it's roughly same time. I don't wanna load them by package as packages are not balanced (some have 10 classes, some 500).