Question Florian Hansmann · Jul 9, 2024 Class Property Descriptions via SQL Query Hey InterSystems-Community, is it possible to get these Property Descriptions via SQL Query for example in the Management Portal? Best regards, Florian #SQL #Caché 0 2 0 94
Question Florian Hansmann · Jun 4, 2024 For Loop over comma seperated String Hi Community, My old code: #ObjectScript #Caché 0 3 0 217
Question Florian Hansmann · Nov 1, 2021 Download ODBC Driver Hello Caché-Community, where can I download the current ODBC Drivers for InterSystems Caché.The links in the following post don't work anymore: Best regards Florian Hansmann #Caché 0 3 0 3.6K
Question Florian Hansmann · Sep 13, 2021 SQL - use specific index Hello Community, we want to use a specific index on our sql-class. The index we want to use is called "iFilter".Currently we use the following technique of ignoring all other indices because the automatically chosen index is always too slow. #SQL #Caché 0 3 1 328
Question Florian Hansmann · Dec 4, 2020 SQL Query returns x00 Hey Intersystems Community-Member, Following Issue: When I update a SQL table like (update OnlineV3Admin.ParameterApp set popuptext = '' where ID = '1') and then read it for my Json WebService there is a /"x00" in my Json. What is the best option to disable that? I need here a empty String and not /x00. Any ideas? Best regards, Florian Hansmann #JSON #ObjectScript #SQL #Caché 0 1 0 279
Question Florian Hansmann · Nov 10, 2020 .csp API Session Management Hey Intersystems Community, I have a Problem with the Session Handling in .csp. I wrote all my Web Services in .csp-Pages and do the work for example in the OnPreHttp Method for to get some data. After that the Web Service response is in JSON. I call These Web Services via fetch in my react Single Page application, also Many request parallel. The react App is Rolled out as index.html.Everything Works Fine with the session Handling via Cookie. #API #Authentication #CSP #JSON #Node.js #React #Caché #Other 0 3 0 458
Question Florian Hansmann · Aug 3, 2020 $order cached? Delete Cache of SQL query/$order called in an API. Hello Intersystems-Community, I build an API and there I use $order to get the Data from my Globals.When I first time use that API it's get an error (504 Gateway-Timout > 60 Sec.). After 2 reloads it works with a loading time of 2 Sec.! Sounds for me like the $order is cached and it works faster. Is it true $order will be cached? When it works, I only get the error at the next day. So it's very hard to reproduce that error. Is it possible to delete the cache for $order? Example: #API #Globals #JSON #Caché 0 8 0 456
Question Florian Hansmann · Apr 22, 2020 SQL Statement Highlighting Hey Community, my Caché Version: 2013.1 and can't update now. is it possible to highlight SQL Statements like in embedded SQL with all the features from SQL Statements? Actually I use SQL Statements with a simple string like: set myquery = "SELECT TOP 5 Name,DOB AS bdate,FavoriteColors FROM Sample.Person" But when the queries are more complex it will be very cluttered and unstructured. #SQL #Caché 0 2 0 273
Question Florian Hansmann · Apr 16, 2020 Serialize JSON from SQL Row Hey Community, my Caché Version is 2013.1 and I can't update now. I want to serialize a SQL Answer row into an Array filled with objects and then convert it to json. Actually I use the following, which is very error prone when I have to do that often: #JSON #SQL #Caché 0 7 0 753
Question Florian Hansmann · Mar 31, 2020 WebSocket SharedConnection Error Hi Caché-Developers! My Caché Version: 2014.1 and the CSP-Gateway Version ( + Apache) also. I can't upgrade now. I want create a Web-Socket for my Chat like in that Tutorial: And there's my problem. When I set SharedConnection like: set ..SharedConnection = 1 I get on init connection with the server that message: #Caché 0 1 0 292
Question Florian Hansmann · Feb 27, 2020 Quote Numbers in Json Stream Hello Community, My Intersystems Caché Version: 1.2014 (Can't update now.) I have the following issue: I have for example an articlenumber with 15049950, which is numeric. But sometimes it can also be an alphanumeric string like PK15049950. How can i set numbers always to string in Json Stream with quotes like "15049950". Code Example: set object = ##class(%ZEN.proxyObject).%New() set articlenumber = "15049950" set object.articlenumber = articlenumber #JSON #ObjectScript #Caché 0 5 0 371
Question Florian Hansmann · Jul 9, 2019 Proxy Object dynamic Access Hey Intersystems-Developer,I have already used that and know its possible, but can't find it anymore :(I need dynamic access on proxy objects. For example:set key = "lastName"set name = obj.nameset lastName = obj.key <- Not possible set lastName = obj.GetAt(key) <- Not possibleHow can I get access to that object with my dynamic variable "key" ?Best regards. #CSP #Object Data Model #ObjectScript #Caché 0 3 0 312