Question Fabio Goncalves · Feb 6, 2018 Angular Pageviews Hi All,Does anybody has experience with Angular application and have implemented some solution in order to track and record pageviews?We are interested in to know how to capture those pageviews information and call a Caché REST Api in order to store those data.Thanks. #API #Development Environment #Angular #UI Development #Frontend #Caché 0 8 0 492
Article Fabio Goncalves · Jan 8, 2018 2m read Atelier - Debugging - Attach to the process Hi Community,I would like to share with you my experience regarding to debugging via Atelier.I'm developing a REST API and would like to attach to a process when I call the API via a REST Client tool, for example Postman. The purpose is to inspect values from HEADER and BODY of the HTTP request during the debugging process.Come on! How am I doing? I am going to demonstrate that by using a class from SAMPLES namespace.1 - Open Atelier;2 - Open your REST Service class;3 - Go to the method related to the URI that you need to debug; #Debugging 9 3 0 1.3K
Article Fabio Goncalves · Sep 28, 2017 1m read Terminal license expire message If you are facing out the license expire warning message on your terminal ("*** Warning: This Cache license will expire in 3 days ***") and you do not want that message to be displayed, you can disable/enable that by rinning the following commands: Do ExpirationMessageOff^%SYS.LICENSE - Disable Do ExpirationMessageOn^%SYS.LICENSE - Enable #API #System Administration #Terminal #Tips & Tricks #Caché 3 0 0 512
Article Fabio Goncalves · Apr 19, 2017 5m read Tracking Data Changes - Audit Log - 2 of 2 In the previous article, I have demonstrated a simple way to record data changes. At this time I have changed the "Audit Abstract Class" which is responsible for recording audit data and the data structure where the audit log will be recorded. I have changed the data structure to a parent and child structure where there will be two tables to record the "transaction" and the "fields its values" changed on that transaction. Take a look at the new data model: #Object Data Model #ObjectScript #Caché 6 4 1 1.1K
Article Fabio Goncalves · Apr 18, 2017 9m read Tracking Data Changes - Audit Log - 1 of 2 Introduction The common requirement in many applications is logging of data changes in a database - which data has changed, who changed them and when (audit logging). There are many articles about this question and there are different approaches on how to do that in Caché. #Best Practices #Object Data Model #ObjectScript #Caché 13 9 2 2.5K
Article Fabio Goncalves · Dec 12, 2016 3m read Generate and Validate Captcha Code Suppose you have developed your own web app with InterSystems technologies stack and now want to perform a captcha validation on the client side in order to determine whether or not the user is human and make it safer. There are some modern frameworks to address the captcha issue, however most part of them needs internet access to generate codes and sometimes are complex to implement. Take this as basic example considering that image recognition has gotten too good. That's why you nowadays you tend to see more pattern recognition captchas than mere reading ones. (I.e. #CSP #Frontend #ZEN #Caché 7 9 2 1.5K
Question Fabio Goncalves · Jul 21, 2016 Source Control Hook Classes for Team Foundation Hi All, Please, does anybody have Source Control Classes for Team Foundation that you could share? Thanks. #Studio #Caché 1 1 0 327
Question Fabio Goncalves · Jul 19, 2016 Zen Mojo - Explicit dispatch javascript function call I have a Zen Mojo application, developed using Bootstrap plugin and using "Explicit Dispatch" with multiple templates. I have every template representing an specific area of my application (customer, order, logon, application settings, etc.). Each template has specific code, client side validation and so on related to its areas by using javascript. #ZEN #Caché 0 2 0 318
Question Fabio Goncalves · May 16, 2016 Using document criteria on Zen Mojo - BootStrap plugin Hi All, I am providing support to an AP about using document criteria on Multiple Templates (Explicit Dispatch). I am trying to set the criteria value from: view.setDocumentKey('initial-search',{patirntId:tPatId}); However it is not possible to get the criteria value on %GetJSONContent through pCriteria parameter object. How can I do this with Multiple Templates on bootstrap plugin? Thanks. #Frontend #ZEN #Caché 0 1 0 324
Question Fabio Goncalves · Apr 29, 2016 %Library.GlobalCharacterStream deprecated On the class reference %Library.GlobalCharacterStream is marked as deprecated in favor of %Stream.GlobalCharacter.How I can migrate the data from class properties defined as %Library.GlobalCharacterStream to the new one %Stream.GlobalCharacter? Does the %Stream.GlobalCharacter have the same SQL support from %Library.GlobalCharacterStream?Thanks. #Object Data Model #SQL #Caché 1 9 0 1.2K
Question Fabio Goncalves · Apr 19, 2016 SQL Sequence Does Caché support SQL CREATE SEQUENCE as in PostgreSQL? If not, what would be the best alternative? Create my own sequence logic as the example bellow? #SQL #Caché 0 4 0 674
Question Fabio Goncalves · Apr 15, 2016 Atelier and Angular JS Does anybody have already installed some Angular JS eclipse plugin on Atelier? Can you provide some tips about how to get it working?Thanks. #Angular #Frontend 1 12 0 689
Question Fabio Goncalves · Apr 14, 2016 Bootstrap - load body content dynamically with fixed menu Hello, one of our application partner, is considering modernizing their old CSP laboratory portal by using Zen Mojo with Bootstrap. They have a lot of experience with COS, CSP and some ZEN. They are new to REST/JSON and have some limited knowledge of javascript - perhaps not enough to the extent used by client framework. #Frontend #ZEN #Caché 0 6 0 3.7K
Question Fabio Goncalves · Mar 21, 2016 Create dynamic %Object with object ID Hi Community, How can I create a JSON with the object ID by using the %Object:$toJSON API? I have the following piece of code bellow where I create an object reference, create a %Object instance from %fromObject and them I am creating the JSON from $toJSON, but it does not expose the %ID (object id). How is the best approach to create a JSON with the respectives object IDs? #Caché 1 7 0 1.6K
Question Fabio Goncalves · Mar 17, 2016 Atelier Debugging I am trying to debug a class on Atelier and it is not stopping at the defined breakpoint.Atelier IDE Version: 1.0.107 - Cloud ConnectionI have already taken a look at the Community´s Atelier Debugging Video and followed the steps without success.Can anybody help me on that?Tks. #Development Environment #Debugging 2 3 0 402
Question Fabio Goncalves · Mar 7, 2016 How to get key value from dropdownmenuitem on Zen Mojo Bootstrap? I would like to know how to get the key value from a dropdownmenuitem placed on a navbar. I have tried to get from onselect and onchange events of the template class, but it didn´t work. According to the snapshot attached I am trying to retrieve the values from 'action-1' and 'action-2'. I have attached a ZIP file with a snapshot which value I am trying to retrieve and example classes. Thanks. #Frontend #ZEN #Caché 1 8 0 329
Question Fabio Goncalves · Jan 20, 2016 Ordered Collection/Relationship Does Caché support a relationship property ordered according to a specifc value? What shoud be the best approach? #Beginner #Caché 2 6 0 608
Question Fabio Goncalves · Jan 14, 2016 Override JQuery Mobile Theme Is it possible to override JQuery Mobile elements´styles (buttons, lists, font size, color, etc) or an existing theme with a separate custom css file?I am really interested in an official or elegant way to do it.Thanks. #Frontend #ZEN #Caché 0 2 0 499
Question Fabio Goncalves · Dec 17, 2015 Zen Mojo - JQuery Mobile Define Charset I am trying to define the charset for a JQM Application and it is not working. I have tried the following options without success: #Frontend #ZEN #Caché 0 1 0 413
Question Fabio Goncalves · Dec 14, 2015 Zen Mojo - Disable button on JQM Plugin Hi All,I am trying to disable a button on a JQM application.I started the button as disabled according to this code: {type:'$button',caption: Button',key:'button',disabled:true}However, I would like to enable or disable the button via JavaScript code . I have tried the following, but it don´t have the same behavior and style as the code above. var view = zen('mainView'); view.disableItem('button',true,0); #Frontend #ZEN #Caché 0 2 0 349