Hi Community!

We try a new approach to the InterSystems Developers YouTube Videos called "Coding Talks"!

Coding Talks is a short video in which the developer demonstrates a particular feature or functionality of InterSystems Data Platforms which he/she uses to in coding. Typical format: the face on side and editor with ObjectScript.

Check this video I made by myself participating in Advent of Code 2018 and coding with InterSystems ObjectScript in VSCode.

Coding Advent of Code 2018 Using InterSystems ObjectScript

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Hey Developers!

New session recording from Global Summit 2018 is available on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Using Blockchain with InterSystems IRIS

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Hi Community!

This year will have a special section on Flash Talks which gives you an opportunity to introduce your tool or solution on InterSystems Global Summit 2018!

What is Flash Talks?

It's 15 min session you have on Technology Exchange scene: 10 min for your pitch, 5 min for Q&A.

The session WILL BE live streamed on Developer Community YouTube Channel.

Developer Community Flash Talks!

Today, 10/02, Flash Talks Scene @ InterSystems Global Summit 2018!

2 pm Open source approaches to work with Documents @Eduard Lebedyuk, InterSystems

2-15 InterSystems IRIS on Kubernetes by @Dmitry Maslennikov

2-30 Visual Studio Code IDE for InterSystems Data Platforms by @John Murray, GeorgeJames Software

2-45 Static Analysis for ObjectScript with CacheQuality by @Daniel Tamajon, Lite Solutions

3-00 InterSystems Open Exchange by @Evgeny Shvarov, InterSystems

3-15 Q&A Session on Developer Community, Global Masters, and Open Exchange

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Hi Community!

New video "Choosing a Shard Key" is available now on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

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Hi, Community!

Continuous Delivery is a software engineering approach in which teams produce software in short cycles, ensuring that the software can be reliably released at any time. It aims at building, testing, and releasing software faster and more frequently. The approach helps reduce the cost, time, and risk of delivering changes by allowing for more incremental updates to applications in production.

Join us at 07:00 UTC, April 24th for a webinar with a live demo "Git flows and Continuous Delivery" by @Eduard Lebedyuk

The language of the webinar is Russian.

Also, see the related articles on DC.

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Hi Everyone!

Enjoy a new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Elements of Sharding

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InterSystems Official
· Jan 31, 2018
InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2018.1.0 Release

InterSystems is pleased to announce that InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2018.1.0 is now released.

This press release was issued this morning.

InterSystems IRIS is a complete, unified data platform that makes it faster and easier to build real-time, data-rich applications. It mirrors our design philosophy that software should be interoperable, reliable, intuitive, and scalable.

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