The Istio Service Mesh is commonly used to monitor communication between services in applications. The "battle-tested" sidecar mode is its most common implementation. It will add a sidecar container to each pod you have in your namespace that has Istio sidecar injection enabled.

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I have an operation using $ZF this operation ran and did not error but the job has been active and it can not be stopped I have tried stopping it from the front end and through the terminal using ##class(ENSLIB.Job).%New() Stop method. Now my production will not update even if I add a new item to the production I cannot update the item is there a way to force stop this job.

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I have a scenario where I send a GET request to a broker and receive a FHIR response. When I attempted to use the built-in InterSystems functions to convert this FHIR response into SDA, the transformation failed—likely because it is not a standard FHIR request.

How should I handle this situation? Is there a recommended approach to processing FHIR responses in this context?

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In this article, exceptions are covered.

Working with Exceptions

Instead of returning a %Status response, you can raise and throw an Exception. You are then responsible for catching the exception and validating it. IRIS provides five main classes to handle exceptions effectively. Additionally, you can create custom exception class definition based on your needs.

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· Feb 7 4m read
IRIS %Status and Exceptions

You may encounter errors during any point of program execution, and there are several ways to raise and handle these exceptions. In this article, we'll explore how exceptions are handled efficiently in IRIS.

One of the most commonly used return types is %Status, which is used by methods to indicate success or failure. Let's begin by discussing %Status values.

Working with %Status

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When setting up a new web app in iris (iris is in a container) iris complains that a WSGI framework is not installed. I have installed python into the container as well as both flask and django via the python virtual environment (see second screenshot) and the python language server is running

Is this the wrong way to install flask? How do I get the container version to recoginize that flask is installed?

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At the moment we're creating multiple BPLs are using a router (or another BPL) to direct to these based on a unique key modulo the amount of BPLs available, e.g. if we have 3 BPLs created.

Message key = 1 mod 3 + 1 -> BPL02
Message key = 2 mod 3 + 1 -> BPL03
Message key = 3 mod 3 + 1 -> BPL01

FIFO only matters in that each messages for each key is processed in order.

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All pods are assigned a Quality of Service (QoS). These are 3 levels of priority pods are assigned within a node.

The levels are as following:

1) Guaranteed: High Priority

2) Burstable: Medium Priority

3) BestEffort: Low Priority

It is a way of telling the kubelet what your priorities are on a certain node if resources need to be reclaimed. This great GIF below by Anvesh Muppeda explains it.

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My main goal of this article was to prove the use of InterSystems IRIS for Health for REST FHIR interoperability between multiple applications. In this use case, some initiating application makes a REST call to IRIS for Health (which is merely a passthrough for REST calls) to retrieve FHIR data from an Oracle Health R4 FHIR repository. Ideally, it simplifies the syntax for calling the Oracle Health APIs.

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I have VS Code with extensions connected to IRIS for Health. One top-level ObjectScript package is not displayed in the workspace for this namespace. This package exists in the namespace and is visible in SMP. If I create a new class with a different top-level package name (package that didn't previously exist) it will immediately appear in the workspace.

Is there any debug logging I can enable to look for errors or do any other troubleshooting?

Forgot to mention: the missing package is custom, not a system package.

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Is it possible to get the length of queue for a production using Python code?

I'm using embedded Python at the moment.

I'd like to use the Python external language server later - the Python external server will not start in my environment.

If it is possible to query the production queue length programmically, please advise how?

It would also be nice to show the number of messages processed per second, if IRIS keeps track of this.

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