· Jul 7, 2016
Vote from index

Sometimes simply reading the subject or summary of a post from the index gives me enough information to vote. Instead of having to click through it would be nice if I could vote from the list of posts.

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Why isn't the develoepr community contest post on the home page? Can you make it "sticky" to the homepage?

What happens if there is some urgent/important announcment you need everyone to see? Can you sticky a post to the homepage top? maybe create a section (main area or right side) that the admin can stick important posts for everyone to see?

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· May 16, 2017 1m read
Post Duplicates

Hi, Community!

We are having some troubles with post duplicates at the moment, we are working on it.

Now when you post your message it waits until timeout and shows 404 but also publishes the article.

Hope this would be fixed ASAP.

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Please update the Global Summit group description.

InterSystems Global Summit 2016 is an unparalleled opportunity to meet with your peers and with InterSystems’ executives and experts, discussing the technologies, strategies, and methodologies that lead to success.This group is intened to discuss news and to ask questions about Global Summit 2016 conferences, unconferences, sessions etc.Register now!

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We will soon be implementing a filter that will remove Developer Community feedback from the home page. Please keep the suggestions and comments coming.

You can still access the feedback from the "Browse by Group" section on the home page by clicking on the Developer Community Feedback link.

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How do we get posts featured/sticky/always on the top of the homepage?

We need the ability to have a couple posts always on the homepage. Most sites have some sort of Featured/Announcement/Sticky function for important information to be seen by all.

Why can't we have that on this site?

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I noticed the system displays an age for each post.

Can it display the actual creation timedate stamp instead?

(Maybe this is a display option set on an individual account setting?)

Can we add the timedate stamp of the last edit so it is clear that the post was changed?

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Whatever the current login cookie expiration is set at is too short. I consistently have to log back seemingly every time I visit, even if I visit daily.

Contrast this with, say, my Gmail login, which lasts for weeks or months at least.

Worse, when I go to a topic but am not logged in and want to comment, logging in takes me to, not back to the topic.

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· Oct 11, 2016
Modify search feature

I am unsure why but the search feature does not allow you to begin your search with a period, please have this modified.

For example, I was not able to search for ".obj".

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While comment content appears to be sent in subscription emails, new posts do not. E.g.:


| Greetings, Benjamin Spead.

| Your subscriptions on InterSystems Developer Community notify you of

| the following changes since the previous digest:

===================================================== 1 of 1 (new)

| Author: Benjamin DeBoe

| Title: How to increase the timeout for ZEN refreshContents() ?

| Tags: Web Development, ZEN


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