I am confused about the meaning of "rating".

Is it how good the post is?

I did a search on "Rating" and got a lot of hits, but none seems to answer my question, either that or I missed it.

It would be nice to have some basic documentation on questions like these.

I don't mean to be difficult and maybe I don't understand, but what is the reason for having a rating?

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Hi, I have been looking through the InterSystems Developer Community for awhile.

Is there any basic help on how all this stuff works?

For example:

How can I tell what posts I have already read?

What is "My Content?"

Under Connect - what is the difference between Members and Communities?

Is Favorite and Unfavorite the only two selections? How does this work?

What are Points and how do they work, the same thing with Quiz, the same thing with votes.

If this is to be a replacement for Googe Groups , you must explain this stuff!

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As well as participating in DC I continue to monitor the Google Group at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/intersystems-public-cache

Since yesterday the Google Group has started receiving postings from a user called intersystems.dc. These postings look like they're trying to replicate DC postings, though images don't appear. Nor are there any links leading across to DC, which is where the follow-up comments and answers are likely to appear.

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I have posted my first question in "Cache" forum this morning and since then, I started receiving emails whenever a new topic is posted. I don't want to receive such emails and looked for a way to tweak for "email preferences". However, I couldn't find any such option. Can someone please tell me how I can stop emails for all the posts?



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I was trying to find an article today that I knew had been posted about Wireshark installations causing problems with Studio and other Caché components. If I search the community for 'Wireshark install', the article I'm looking for does not even show up. I found it eventually in the text of one of the Digest post, but this is the article:


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· Apr 14, 2016 1m read
[request] a more compact index

I would really like to see (an option for) a more compact index of posts. The current index layout makes me feel like a) there's not much content on the site and b) I have to look harder to get an idea of what's going on. I feel like I'm forced to read each post instead of just glancing over a "list" of posts.

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suggestions to try to make the searching of the community better, more relevent

I've been searching within the community for an article about troubleshoting SQL's working out how efficient they are, and how to look inside the system for other SLQ's that we used but may be inefficient, (still haven't found it, and getting frustrated)

In this instance, after many guesses, I tried

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I know this has been suggested before but I wanted to bring it up again.

It would be very nice if we could "accept" an answer to our questions which would result in the question showing "answered" in the index and possibly move the "accepted answer" to the top of the answer chain.

see: Stack Overflow or any other QA site

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I just tried to read all the Answers and Comments for a post of mine.

Some were 5, 8, 3, etc. days ago and others were just hours ago.

They all seem jumbled up.

If I wanted to read the Answers and Comments in some sort of chronological order, I would be lost.

I don't understand the reasoning on whether somethings is an Answer and others are comments.

But would it be possible to have the option when reading all the follow-ons to re-sort them in some sort of order?

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· Mar 23, 2016 1m read
Triple posting

It looks like andreas posting is in triplicate - I am sure the bureaucrats are very happy - on the homepage

Not sure why...? Is there really 3 unique posts IDs that are the same or is there a bug in the hoempage display logic that is repeating the items listed?

triple post

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The top of my Answers tab looks like this:

To get to the question, first I have to click on the "Answer:" text (which only gets the appearance of a hyperlink when I mouse over it).

That click takes me here:

I now need to click on "Back to question page" in order to get where I want to be.

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On the "My Collaborations" tab of the "MY CONTENT" view I'm seeing some posts that I don't think I've commented on or even flagged as a favorite. So I'm wondering why they're there. Is Developer Community attempting some kind of AI? Or is there a data leak that's making it use comeone else's history?

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· Mar 4, 2016
Breadcrumb trail missing

When looking at a single post there is no easy navigation to the overview of the category containing the post. I.e. having clicked on a single feedback post, there is no link back to the Feedback category overview.


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A lot of tools in InterSystems products are designed to help facilitate high availability solutions (Mirroring and ECP come to mind readily). Since a lot of concerns about these technologies are in a similar thread regarding High Availability, I believe it might be worthwhile to create a High Availability Group within the Developer's Community.

What thoughts do people have on the addition of such a group?

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After the March 15th DC update I posted one Question (as opposed to Article). I've been used to getting notified by email no more than an hour after someone responds to a post of mine. In the case of my question, I think I only got that email when someone posted a Comment on the question. When I went to read that comment I saw that there were several Answers that had been posted many hours earlier.

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