I have posted my first question in "Cache" forum this morning and since then, I started receiving emails whenever a new topic is posted. I don't want to receive such emails and looked for a way to tweak for "email preferences". However, I couldn't find any such option. Can someone please tell me how I can stop emails for all the posts?



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When you click on the My Content icon in the navigation bar you see a page with tabs, two of which are "My Content" and the other is "My Collaborations". The formatting of this content is not very good and is inconsistent between the two.


1. How many of you are using these pages?

2. What are you using them for?

3. What information do you expect to see here?

4. How can we improve this?

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@Mike Kadow and I are both having this issue.

When editing a post and trying to insert a link, I use the Internal link type to link to a different post. I am able to search for the page and get the page name to show up in the dialog box, but then the "ok" button is non-responsive. I can cancel properly. If I change the link type to URL and paste in the full URL of the page, I can click "ok" and it will save the link.

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After the March 15th DC update I posted one Question (as opposed to Article). I've been used to getting notified by email no more than an hour after someone responds to a post of mine. In the case of my question, I think I only got that email when someone posted a Comment on the question. When I went to read that comment I saw that there were several Answers that had been posted many hours earlier.

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Early on in my use of DC I think I marked a couple of things as favorites. On the right-hand side of the DC listings I have this:

The first entry links to a post by Bill McCormick. The second links to the Field Tests group.

Is there a way for me to remove these entries? Or are they a remnant of some DC feature that has been superseded?

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Suppose I find a post that seems really useful, and that I expect to want to return to in the future. I click on the star to favorite it (giving the author some kudos). But later there's a lot of commenting on it that I don't care about. Can I keep it as a favorite but unsubscribe from updates? Or should I resort to browser bookmarking?

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· Feb 2, 2019
Regarding Chat box

Hi Team,

Our community is most useful for my learning. I have one concern.We need to add a chat box for discuss and interact with other developer in our community . It is most useful for maintaining the team relationship and sometime we get guidance from anyone on directly. I known already we have the chat box in global master(that chatbox just we send greetingsrelated messages only). This same one is need for our community also(All are reading articals and question on our community page).So I am asking chat box on our community page also.

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How do we get posts featured/sticky/always on the top of the homepage?

We need the ability to have a couple posts always on the homepage. Most sites have some sort of Featured/Announcement/Sticky function for important information to be seen by all.

Why can't we have that on this site?

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· Jul 7, 2016
Vote from index

Sometimes simply reading the subject or summary of a post from the index gives me enough information to vote. Instead of having to click through it would be nice if I could vote from the list of posts.

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· Mar 15, 2016
Communities vs Groups

In the recent march 15 update, there are multiple references to "groups". However in the menus, it still references "Communities" (Connect->Communities)

Shouldn't we update the menus to standardize on the word group(since that seems to be the popular/de facto term)?

Also I was forced to choose a related topic. There is no topic like: "misc", "other", "feedback", "site ui", etc. so I choose online learning

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I am confused about the meaning of "rating".

Is it how good the post is?

I did a search on "Rating" and got a lot of hits, but none seems to answer my question, either that or I missed it.

It would be nice to have some basic documentation on questions like these.

I don't mean to be difficult and maybe I don't understand, but what is the reason for having a rating?

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Using Chrome on my Android mobile I can't seem to get to a specific submenu option. For example in the screenshot below I use the menu button to bring up the first-level menu. Then I tap on "COMMUNITY". The second-level menu appears briefly, but doesn't give me time to tap the entry I want ("FEEDBACK") before it decides to take me to the page headed "Connect with Members".

Am I missing a trick, or is this a bug?

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I think DC would be a great area to get feedback from current or future users of our technology about what new features they would like to see in our products and let them vote the different proposals. Open discussions/suggestions with no commitment on IS side to be done but sure there would be lot of good ideas to consider by our product managers and development.

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Looking at the navigation, should we consider moving the Logout function under the My Account button? It is kind of oldschool to see the logout functionality as a stand alone menu item.

Maybe the My Account button should have "Account Settings" and "Logout" as the drop menu items?


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