· Sep 11, 2024 9m read
Dates with InterSystems

Do not let the title of this article confuse you; we are not planning to take the InterSystems staff out to a fine Italian restaurant. Instead, this article will cover the principles of working with date and time data types in IRIS. When we use these data types, we should be aware of three different conversion issues:

  1. Converting between internal and ODBC formats.
  2. Converting between local time, UTC, and Posix time.
  3. Converting to and from various date display formats.

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As we keep updating our software, we often realize that we require more and more modern solutions. So far, only one major piece of our software relies on reading barcodes in documents and images. Since Cache did not have a means of reading barcodes in the past, we have always achieved our goals by using a Visual Basic 6 application. However, it is no longer an ideal solution because it is currently complicated to maintain it. IRIS also lacks this capability, but it has recently got an option that makes up for it: embedded Python!

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· Apr 25, 2024 3m read
Making A Variable Watch Itself

I came up with a challenge for myself to come up with a way to make a variable watch itself for a certain value and do something when it hits that value without having to check it every time something touches it. Basically, a way to say "if at any point during the execution of this code, if x = 0 (or whatever the condition is) do this thing." The class I ended up with watches a %Status:

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First of all: thanks for your help, and thank you for your time.

Thanks for your time.

We have the following situation:

We are in a BPL, and we have defined 4 <call> asynchronous as follows:

First one name: "Enviar a Proceso NEGRIN"

The second one, named as: "Enviar a Proceso HUNSC"

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I would like you to propose this challenge.

It has been created by the CodeWars community here:

I will copy and paste the description:


A number is Esthetic if, in any base from base2 up to base10, the absolute difference between every pair of its adjacent digits is constantly equal to 1.

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Please, we would need your help 🙂:

In a development environment, we have added quite a few presentation contexts to the DICOM configurations (the associations). We would need to find a way to export them from this environment to make it easier for us to import them in PRO (and avoid doing it by hand one by one).

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An extension “extends” or enhances a FHIR resource or a data element in a custom way. The extension can be added to the root of a resource, such as “Patient.ethnicity” in US Core profile, and they can be added to individual elements such as HumanName, Address or Identifier.

Did you know that you can also add an extension to a primitive data type?

Primitives usually store a single item and are the most basic element in FHIR. For example: "Keren", false, 1234, 12/08/2024 etc.

For example, the patient resources might look like this:

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