Hello. New to the forum and was hoping I could get some expert help here. I have one data set that is using CHD Logic to combine Procedure and Diagnosis codes to define Sensitive data and flag the record for additional protected filtering. The files coming in define what is flagged and the Clinical Info Rule and Clinical Info Type are tied to the flag in the file which identifies it as a additional protected record.

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The article makes an attempt to demonstrate that Atelier is not just repeating the functionality of Caché Studio on a new IDE platform (Eclipse) but goes far beyond. Due to my personal experience, and challenges in former projects I picked first XSLT Debugging. Is it an ordinary task? Not at all. Who is doing XSLT every day? Probably none of us. Than why XSLT Debugging? Simply because there are solutions in our product portfolio which are using XSLT inside and those solutions require customization. Customizing XSLT without some sort of toolkit is more than challenging. The examples of such solutions starts with HealthShare IHE message, CDA vs. SDA transformations, goes through ZEN Reports, and ends by HealthShare CDA document viewer. Is that enough reason to spend time reading the whole article through not just the teaser?

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· Jan 20, 2017
MPI Question

Hello experts,

Good afternoon. I am a new member here and was wondering if any of you can help me with creating my own instance of Healthshare with MPI. This will serve as a sandbox and a learning environment for me. What is the minimum requirement to have such an environment setup, meaning will I only need to setup HSBUS, HSREGISTRY(HUB), MPI, HSACCESS, and EDGE Gateway(s)? If so, how do I properly set them up without just installing an environment with ENSDEMO?

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I want do to a "simple thing". Show a dynamic log of actions in the browser as we can see on Terminal. For that, I guess to make a simple CSP Page that show a new line every WRITE command is the thing I need.

But how I refresh after each WRITE?

How I can refresh the content automatically?

I made a simple CSP Page and in method OnPage I do this test:

write "Start..",!
for i=1:1:10{
hang 1
write "Doing "_i,!
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Hi All,

I am new to this technology and I have installed the trial version of cache 2016.1 with Normal security.

I was trying to develop the sample cinema application and mean while when I tried to view the csp webpage, it opens the browser and ask for login after logging in it shows Service Unavailable error instead of preview of webpage.

Could you guys suggest an answer to resolve this issue.

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