Hi Community!

Please welcome a new session recording from Global Summit 2017:

What's Lurking in Your Data Lake?

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Recently I was asked by a customer with this question. In MS SQL Server, there is a function called host_name() that will return the work station name.

Here is how I would do it in Caché :

With default SQL schema name, in my case SQLUser in SQL (which is equivalent as User in Caché class definition), I have a class called User.dummy, I added a classmethod called hostname and expose it as SQL function host_name:

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Presenter: Harry Tong
Task: Load terabytes of data into a distributed environment
Approach: Leverage parallelism and open-source tools

In this session, we’ll discuss how to load TBs of data into a distributed environment, leveraging parallelism and open source to reach exceptional load rates.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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· Mar 22, 2016
How does Zlogin work

Hi Community: I have a legacy Caché based app that has Zlogin or %Zlogin routine. I understand that such routine will be invoked as soon as the user logs in. Can someone tell me where to find such routine? The namespace where the user connects to? Or in CACHESYS? Thanks, HT

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