· Sep 23, 2021
Using Arrow with left join

Hi Guys,

my understanding that Arrow can't be used in left or right joins as the example below, so is there an alternative ?

SELECT Sample.Employee.Name, Sample.Company.Name AS CompName
FROM Sample.Employee LEFT OUTER JOIN Sample.Company
ON Sample.Employee.Company->Name = Sample.Company.Name


0 2
0 421
· Sep 8, 2021
Force YYYY format

Hi Guys,

when using $ZD(mydate,4) sometimes it returns year as 4 digits and sometimes two, and the documentation is saying ([YY]YY is a two-digit year if hdate falls within the active window for two-digit years; otherwise it is a four-digit year), what active window for two means and how can I force the year to be always 4 digits ?


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0 227
· Jul 11, 2021
Applying Stylesheet

Hi Guys,

I'm using the below style and everything looks good, with my Dynamic Grid width 1300px, but when I refresh my grid the width goes out of whack and the grid is too wide, so how can I re-call my enforce my style to be applied again after refreshing my grid, so basically I'm looking for a line of code that I add it to my refreshing () clientMethod ?

XData Style
<style type="text/css">
body {
padding: 5px;
margin: 0px;
height: 100%;
background-image : url(images/bkground.gif);

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0 156
· Jun 30, 2021
OnMouseOver in a TablePane

Hi Guys,

is there a Onmouseover event in TablePane?

I'm looking to show an image when the user hover with the mouse on a specific Cell in a tablepane, any Ideas?


0 1
0 133

Hi Guys,

I'm wondering how can I get fields defined as %GlobalCharacterStream diplayed in a SQL query or even objects?

I've some data that I need to convert over to a new system and the old uses %GlobalCharacterStream data type for one of its fields and I''m unable to display or extract to a spreadsheet, any help pls?


0 13
0 1.1K
· May 23, 2021
HL7 learning

Hi Guys,

I'm new in HL7 and have seen the basic learning material in "HL7 Business Services and Business Operations" but I'm wondering if there are learning materials and samples that I can boost my HL7 knowledge pls?


0 4
0 260

Hi Guys,

have a file located in \\servername\Myfiles\pull.csv but for some reason my cache routine can't file, but can when using the local drive C:\servername\Myfiles\pull.csv.

FYI I can access \\servername\Myfiles\pull.csv via Win explorer with no problems.

anyway how I can fix this?

Thanks Guys

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0 522
· May 18, 2018
Database not mounting

Hi Guys,

I'm upgrading Cache 2008 to 2014, and for two clients so far all good, but with this third one and while trying to mount the main database that includes the data, I'm getting error #36 "database is not mountable"!?

but cache instances the old 2008 and the new 2014 at installed the same way (8 bit) and Cache.dat is (archive) NOT read only so I don't know what could be the problem?


0 9
0 1.4K

Hi Guys,

is the there a way that I can make a routine call from one cache to another?

I've a client that still on Cache 2008 and given that JSON is not much supported in V2008 we thinking of installing Cache 2014 in the same server Create a routine that handles JSON (in Cache2014), and then simply call in their current Cache 2008 just make a routine call of that is V2014?


0 3
0 377
· Apr 15, 2018
Cache Compile Problem

Hi Guys,

We experiencing a strange problem with one of the clients on Cache 2008, for time to time they can't run any of their Crystal reports and each time we had re-compile the classes used in the affected report to get it running, then it happens again for the same reports.

0 7
0 801
· Mar 8, 2018


I'm getting <WIDE CHAR> error in one of my routines, I was thinking a corrupted data or disk out of space or no mount database but all seems to be OK?

I'm running Cache 2014.1.2 and the same routines and data works in our client main server with not problems but having the same copy in their backup server is generating <WIDE CHAR> error, some other reports works but this specific doesn't?


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0 813
· Mar 7, 2018
UNC path not recognized

Hi Guys,

One of our clients is running Cache 2014.1.4 and for some reason is not recognising UNC paths?

The Path is accessible via windows explorer with no issues (\\backupsvr) and also my works fine when using :

O C:\folder\file.txt:("WNS"):5

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