· Feb 14, 2024

Sending a file in HTTP response


Hi Guys,


I’ve the below service that receives a request from a client requiring a pdf file to be sent back for printing.

Basically in this method I’m receiving a message “Yes” and if so I need to determine the length and put it in the Content-Length: or File-Length: fields and then append the byte block to the end of the 200 OK reply so they can print it

Any idea on how to do that?


  Include MSDSInclude
Class SX3.Production.HTTP.GetPSRequest Extends Ens.BusinessService [ ClassType = "", ProcedureBlock ]
Parameter ADAPTER = "EnsLib.HTTP.InboundAdapter";
Method OnProcessInput(pInput As %Stream.TmpCharacter, Output pOutput As %CharacterStream) As %Status
                    Set pOutput=##class(%GlobalCharacterStream).%New()
                    Set tSC2=##class(Ens.Util.JSON).JSONStreamToObject(pInput,.tJsonPayload2)
        If (printReq = "Yes")
                     //get the content of C:/Temp/myfile.pdf and append it to the 200 Ok response
     Do pOutput.Flush()
     Quit $$$OK

Product version: Ensemble 2018.1
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