Interesting @Robert Cemper  !

I wrote a similar code the last year in order to have storage compatible Caché\healthshare and Iris.

We have a legacy persistent class mapped on ^CacheMsg global, my solution : 

<SQLMap name="CacheMsg">
<Data name="msg">

It works very well, but perhaps a little bit slow due to indirection usage.

I'll keep this code until a complete migration to Iris and then It will be removed.

Hello @Timothy Leavitt
Thank you for this great article!

I tried to add "UnitTest" tag to my module.xml but something wrong during the publish process.
<UnitTest Name="tests" Package="UnitTest.Isc.JSONFiltering.Services" Phase="test"/>

tests directory contain a directory tree UnitTest/Isc/JSONFiltering/Services/ with a %UnitTest.TestCase sublcass.

Exported 'tests' to /tmp/dirLNgC2s/json-filter-1.2.0/tests/.tests
ERROR #5018: Routine 'tests' does not exist
[json-filter]   Package FAILURE - ERROR #5018: Routine 'tests' does not exist
ERROR #5018: Routine 'tests' does not exist

I also tried with objectscript-math project.  This is the output of objectscript-math publish -v :

Exported 'src/cls/UnitTests' to /tmp/dir7J1Fhz/objectscript-math-0.0.4/src/cls/unittests/.src/cls/unittests
ERROR #5018: Routine 'src/cls/UnitTests' does not exist
[objectscript-math]     Package FAILURE - ERROR #5018: Routine 'src/cls/UnitTests' does not exist
ERROR #5018: Routine 'src/cls/UnitTests' does not exist

Did I miss something or is a package manager issue ?
Thank you.

Hello @Evgeny Shvarov ,

I tested the following code in an Iris terminal to add %DB_%DEFAULT role, It seems to work :

Write !,"Current user roles : ",$Roles
Zn "%SYS"
Set tSc = ##class(Security.Applications).Get("/csp/user",.p)
Write !,"Get application : ",$SYSTEM.Status.GetOneErrorText(tSc)
Set p("MatchRoles")=p("MatchRoles")_":%DB_%DEFAULT"
Set tSc = ##class(Security.Applications).Modify("/csp/user",.p)
Write !,"Modify application : ",$SYSTEM.Status.GetOneErrorText(tSc)
Kill p

Hello @Mario Sanchez Macias ,

I think it's not a correct usage of %ConvertJSONToObject, the third argument must be a target object instance.

Depending on your need,  you should use "%Array of %String".  It's more flexible for SQL that "%List".

If "valueRecived" variable is a dynamic array like ["green","yellow","blue"], you can test this code :

Set valueRecived = ["green","yellow","blue"]
Set array = ##class(%ArrayOfDataTypes).%New()
Do ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider).%ConvertJSONToObject(valueRecived.%ToJSON(),,.array)
Zw array