· Nov 24, 2023 4m read
Journal File Indexer

Hi community!

In this article, I'm excited to introduce my latest application, Journal File Indexer. The development of this application is rooted in the portal idea DPI-I-270.

In short, this application lets you load and index a log file in a database.


If you've ever used the log file search function in the management portal, you may have encountered a timeout error or even a blank page. This problem usually occurs when searching a large journal file. Journal File Indexer solves this problem by considerably increasing the speed of searches once the file has been loaded into the database.

Another problem arises during the restoration process. When searching for global entries in a log file to restore old or new values, the management portal doesn't have this specific functionality. A routine must therefore be coded to achieve this. Journal File Indexer comes to the rescue, incorporating a restore function!

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Hi, developers!

Currently, I'm working on a project that requires highly dynamic event management. In the context of the Java programming language, my first instinct should be to opt for the "Observer Pattern", which is an approach to managing interactions between objects by establishing a notification mechanism. It allows multiple observers to react to changes in the state of a subject autonomously, promoting code flexibility and modularity. If you are not familiar with this design pattern, check out Wikipedia to find more information about it.

While it's natural and commonly used in certain programming languages as Java and C++, in ObjectScript, it's quite a different story.

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· Aug 16, 2023 11m read
Http request response time monitoring

Hi developers!

Today I would like to address a subject that has given me a hard time. I am sure this must have been the case for quite a number of you already (so-called “the bottleneck”). Since this is a broad topic, this article will only focus on identifying incoming HTTP requests that could be causing slowness issues. I will also provide you with a small tool I have developed to help identify them.

Our software is becoming more and more complex, processing a large number of requests from different sources, be it front-end or third-party back-end applications. To ensure optimal performance, it is essential to have a logging system capable of taking a few key measurements, such as the response time, the number of global references and the number of lines of code executed for each HTTP response. As part of my work, I get involved in the development of EMR software as well as incident analysis. Since user load comes mostly from HTTP requests (REST API or CSP application), the need to have this type of measurement when generalized slowness issues occur has become obvious.

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Currently, I'm working on a script using %SYS.Journal API.

My journal files are compressed, following the documentation the compression is zstd.

I tried to unzip a file with zstd tool, ex:

apt-get update
apt-get install zstd

zstd -d 20230806.001z -o 20230806.001

20230806.001z        : 92.03%   (909312 => 836859 bytes, 20230806.001) 

Unfortunately, the unzipped file is invalid:

Write ##class(%SYS.Journal.File).IsValidJournal("/usr/irissys/mgr/journal/20230806.001")

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I would like to find all classes not up to date in a namespace programmatically.

With IRIS Studio, we can see the single "+", but I don't know how to do that with a script.

Set sql = "SELECT ID, Name FROM %Dictionary.ClassDefinition WHERE NOT ID %STARTSWITH ?"
Set params($Increment(params)) = "%"
Set tResult = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect(, sql, params...)

If (tResult.%SQLCODE'=0)&&(tResult.%SQLCODE'=100) Set sc = $$$ERROR($$$SQLError, tResult.%SQLCODE, tResult.%Message) Quit sc

While tResult.%Next() {
    // if class not up to date ??

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· Feb 14, 2023 9m read
Generate client SOAP and REST

Hi Community,

I would like to take advantage of our topic on capture for Health Data Warehouses (on DC-FR) to show you how to quickly create HTTP SOAP and REST clients. IRIS, as well as applications available on Open Exchange offers solutions to generate them from a WSDL or a swagger specification.

SOAP client

Nothing could be easier than creating a SOAP client. All you need is the WSDL. A wizard is available from the IRIS Studio. It allows you to generate not only your classes for a web service client but also the “Business Services” and “Business Operations” if you want to consume them with the interoperability framework.

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· Feb 7, 2023 9m read
OpenAPI Suite - Part 2

Hi Community,

In the first part, we describe all packages, used libraries and REST services.

Now, I would like to add some details about converter and validator services.

By default, OpenAPI-Suite sends an HTTP request to if the specification version is less than 3.0 and another HTTP request to to simplify the structure of the specification document.

Although the usage of online utilities is convenient, in some cases it could be better to have our own instance of the converter and validator. For example, if OpenAPI-Suite is provided on a server in an organisation for ObjectScript developers, it may be preferable to avoid requests to external services (privacy, avoid request rate limits).

Just run:

docker run -d -p 8085:8080 --name swagger-converter swaggerapi/swagger-converter:latest
docker run -d -p 8086:8080 --name swagger-validator-v2 swaggerapi/swagger-validator-v2:latest

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· Feb 1, 2023 17m read
OpenAPI Suite - Part 1

Hi Community,

I would like to present my last package OpenAPI-Suite, this is a set of tools to generate ObjectScript code from an OpenAPI specification version 3.0. In short, these packages allow to:

  • Generate server-side class. It’s pretty similar to the generated code by ^%REST but the added value is the version 3.0 support.
  • Generate HTTP client classes.
  • Generate client production (business services, business operation, business process, Ens.Request, Ens.Response) classes.
  • A web interface to generate and download the code or generate and compile directly on the server.
  • Convert specification from version 1.x, 2.x to version 3.0.

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· Jul 21, 2022 11m read
ECP With Docker

Hi community,

This is the third article in the series about initializing IRIS instances with Docker. This time, we will focus on Enterprise Cache Protocol (ECP).

In a very simplified way, ECP allows configuring some IRIS instances as application servers and others as data servers. Detailed technical information can be found in the official documentation.

This article aims to describe:

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· May 30, 2022 3m read
ObjectScript Syntax For GitLab

Hi Community,

Recently, I migrated a series of Objectscript repositories from XML to UDL format.
After the migration, I was a bit disappointed by the presentation on the GitLab web interface.

Since Objectscript syntax is supported by GitHub, I thought It would be also supported by GitLab. Unfortunately, the library used by GitLab to highlight the code does not have an extension to support Objectscript.

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