Thank you @Robert Cemper .
Glad to hear that!

The original CachéParameterFile iris.cpf does a mimic of versioning.
But it is buried deep into the installation directory and as cryptic as the
Egyptian Book of the Dead. [reserved to the priest of IRIS cultus]

;-) Yes, I guessed that there is an existing feature for cpf versionning when I see classmethod parameters in Config.CommonSingleMethods :
classmethod Get(ByRef Properties As %String, ByRef CPFFile As %String = "", Flags As %Integer = $$$CPFSave+$$$CPFWrite+$$$CPFActivate) as %Status [ Language = objectscript ]

Hi @Guillaume Rongier ,

Thank you for this very interesting question.

Indeed, you can't tell directly zpm to load the classes in the freshly installed namespace.

You need to perform:

zn "irisapp"
zpm "install module-name"

I consider loading the code is the role of ZPM.
In my opinion congi-api shouldn't have an option to load the code.
We could add an option to call ZPM. Something like this :

    "ZPM" : {
        "IRISAPP" : {
            "install" : "module-name"

Execute zpm "install module-name" in namespace IRISAPP

Obviously this is subject to discussion. Community feedback would be appreciated.

About CPF module, I agree, my library has an overlap with all classes related to %SYS Config package.
For these operations the only difference is the REST expose. So, no added value if developers don't need REST expose.
However, config-api implement a part of %SYS Security package and also %Library SQLConnection.
You can configure users, roles, resources, ssl configuration, web application, enable services, sql connexions, set SQL Privileges and you don't with CPF module.

Hope answered to your questions.

Thank you @Evgeny Shvarov 
So, the main goals are REST expose and the rupture between config and code. 

%Installer allows to create, users, roles, mapping too, but it's not possible to configure SQL Privileges, SSL Configuration, SQL Connexion (config-api can do).

There are a few features existing in %Installer and not in config-api, but we have a good base to implement if needed.

Exactly @Guillaume Rongier

I am a Manifest Installer user and It works fine. 

However, sometimes people which deploy applications aren't ObjectScript developers.

Manifest Installer, need to create a class, write an XML, compile. 
I would like a rupture between the configuration and the code. 

Moreover, everything is exposed in REST.  It could be interesting to integrate IRIS configuration from a tool in another language.

Thank you!

It's useless on your local dev, but depending your goal :
You can try to dump

zzDumpDoc(pkg, targetDir="c:\dev\testdumpdoc\")
    new (pkg, targetDir)

    Do:'##class(%File).DirectoryExists(targetDir) ##class(%File).CreateDirectoryChain(targetDir)

    Set pkgDot = pkg _ ".", class = pkgDot, restore = 0

    If $Isobject($Get(%request)) {
        Set oldRequest = %request
        Set oldResponse = %response
        Set oldSession = %session
        Set restore = 1


    Set %request = ##class(%CSP.Request).%New()
    Set %response = ##class(%CSP.Response).%New()
    Set %session = ##class(%CSP.Session).%New("0123456789")
    Do %session.Unlock()

    Set %request.Data("PAGE",1) = "CLASS"

    For  {
        Set class = $Order(^oddDEF(class))
        Set %request.Data("LIBRARY",1) = $namespace
        Set %request.Data("CLASSNAME",1) = class

        Set initialIO = $IO
        Set file = targetDir_class_".html"
        OPEN file:("NRW"):2
        USE file
        Do ##class(%CSP.Documatic.PrintClass).OnPage()
        USE initialIO
        CLOSE file

    If restore {
        Set %request = oldRequest
        Set %response = oldResponse
        Set %session = oldSession

There exits more elegant way to redirect the output (check the community).

Hi @Yuri Marx ,

I don't know.

If nothing exists:

Perhaps we can write a script to call CSP.Documatic.PrintClass.cls and dump the html response into file.

ex : /csp/documatic/%25CSP.Documatic.PrintClass.cls?PAGE=CLASS&LIBRARY=%25SYS&CLASSNAME=%25Library.Integer

A %Net.HttpRequest is not required.   I guess we can create a %request object,  redirect the IO and calling OnPage method.

You can try my document converter with a Generated Interoperability client app.
Install the latest version (v1.3.2+)

Set sc = ##class(dc.openapi.client.Spec).generateApp("doc", "")

Open Swagger tools : http://localhost:52795/swagger-ui/index.html
Explore : http://localhost:52795/docrest/_spec
see this gif video download link for full screen view