go to post Lorenzo Scalese · Oct 24, 2022 Hi @Scott Roth , Sorry for this late response... I don't have Podman, but it seems the same error appears with Docker 20.10.14+You can see the following post: using-intersystems-iris-containers-docker-201014 It should be fixed, by change the "command" in docker-compose : command: ["--check-caps","false","-a","sh /opt/config-files/configureIris.sh"]
go to post Lorenzo Scalese · Sep 22, 2022 Hello @David Hockenbroch I tested this simple method using CodeMode = Objectgenerator : Method test() [ CodeMode = objectgenerator ] { Write Quit 1 } Do $SYSTEM.OBJ.Compile("User.NewClass1","ck") We can see a lot of variable values at compile time : .... %qstruct="ck" .... %qstruct contains compile flags and qualifiers
go to post Lorenzo Scalese · Jul 14, 2022 Hello,Have you ever checked the contents of the database journal files? You should find "Kill" related to these globals entries. This might give you some clues without code edition.
go to post Lorenzo Scalese · Jul 12, 2022 Hello @Theo Stolker, The problem with the proxy generation is also due to the "-" character management. The generation fails if there is a "-" in the path parameter, ex: /1/user/-/foods/log/water/{water-log-id}.json This issue is fixed in version 1.4.2. Thank you for your report !
go to post Lorenzo Scalese · Jul 8, 2022 Hi @Teunis.Stolker! Thank you very much for your feedback. I created an issue on my github. I check this problem as soon as possible.
go to post Lorenzo Scalese · Jul 5, 2022 Hi, Two years ago, I analyzed the behaviours using stream and %Persistent class. Class Test.Stream1 Extends %Persistent { Property st As %GlobalBinaryStream; ClassMethod add1() As %Status { ; write stream in ^Test.Stream1S Set o = ..%New() Do o.st.Write("azeruiop") Quit o.%Save() } ClassMethod add2() As %Status { ; write stream in ^CacheStream Set o = ..%New() Set st = ##class(%GlobalBinaryStream).%New() Do st.Write("azeruiop") Set o.st = st Quit o.%Save() } Storage Default { <Data name="Stream1DefaultData"> <Value name="1"> <Value>%%CLASSNAME</Value> </Value> <Value name="2"> <Value>st</Value> </Value> </Data> <DataLocation>^Test.Stream1D</DataLocation> <DefaultData>Stream1DefaultData</DefaultData> <IdLocation>^Test.Stream1D</IdLocation> <IndexLocation>^Test.Stream1I</IndexLocation> <StreamLocation>^Test.Stream1S</StreamLocation> <Type>%Storage.Persistent</Type> } } The method add2 use ^CacheStream due to the default storage usage (as described by @Robert Cemper ). However, We can force the storage in ^Test.Stream1S with :Do st.%LocationSet("^Test.Stream1S")
go to post Lorenzo Scalese · Jul 2, 2022 Hi @Robert Cemper ! Good Idea for the table.In french : English French Data Donnée F Value Valeur F Database Base de données F File Fichier M Directory Répertoire M
go to post Lorenzo Scalese · Jun 14, 2022 Re @Russell Preston, Ha sorry. Maybe It works, but I did not test with Swagger 3.0 yet.
go to post Lorenzo Scalese · Jun 14, 2022 Hello, In addition to the previous answers, there is the zpm module OpenApi Client Gen in order to generate an Objectscript client (with or without interoperability production) from a swagger 2.0 file.
go to post Lorenzo Scalese · May 20, 2022 Hi, Another possibility using %Regex.Matcher : Set REC = "MILFORD, OH 45150 " Set m=##class(%Regex.Matcher).%New("([a-zA-Z]+)([\s,]+)([a-zA-Z]+)([\s,]+)([0-9]{5})") Set m.Text = REC Do m.Locate() Set ZIP = m.Group(5) Set CITY = m.Group(1) Set STA = m.Group(3)
go to post Lorenzo Scalese · May 17, 2022 Hello, If you need an alternative, you can use the Config package in "%SYS" Ex : New $Namespace Set $Namespace = "%SYS" Set properties("Database") = "YourPackageDatabaseCode" Set sc = ##class(Config.MapPackages).Create("YourNameSpace","PackageName", .properties) Quit sc There is also a library to do this with a json configuration file config-api, but it's heavy just for a mapping.
go to post Lorenzo Scalese · Apr 18, 2022 Hi @Robert Cemper, @Vitaliy.Serdtsev Thank you for your replies! I found a solution to do this without any change to an existing code, not simple but It works and could be useful in a critical situation. I read the code of ^%ETN and see these lines : UserError() s $zt="UserErrorE" i $d(^rOBJ("%ZERROR")) d . n %00000 d ^%ZERROR So, If we create a "%ZERROR" routine, we have an entry point : ROUTINE %ZERROR %ZERROR If $Data(^zForceCommit($Job)) { ; to avoid do this for all processes... While $TLEVEL { TCOMMIT } } Quit And then, we must terminate the process like that: Set pid = "1234" ; pid to terminate Set ^zForceCommit(pid)="" Zn "%SYS" Set process = ##class(SYS.Process).%OpenId(pid) Set sc = process.Terminate(1) It's important to use the SYS.Process class and the Terminate method with argument 1 to use ^%ETN.
go to post Lorenzo Scalese · Apr 17, 2022 Hi @Robert Cemper ! Good Idea! I tested, but unfortunately, It seems already too late, the rollback is already performed. %ZSTOP routine ROUTINE %ZSTOP %ZSTOP Quit SYSTEM Set ^zJob($i(^zJob)) = $ZDATETIME($HOROLOG, 3, 1) _" LABEL-SYSTEM (" _ $JOB _ ") "_$NAMESPACE _ " TLEVEL: "_$TLEVEL Do ZFORCECOMMIT Quit LOGIN Quit JOB Set ^zJob($i(^zJob)) = $ZDATETIME($HOROLOG, 3, 1) _" LABEL-JOB (" _ $JOB _ ") "_$NAMESPACE _ " TLEVEL: "_$TLEVEL Do ZFORCECOMMIT Quit CALLLIN Quit ZFORCECOMMIT If $Data(^zForceCommit($Job)) { While $TLEVEL { TCOMMIT } } Quit Even if the process is in a transaction before "terminate", the ^zJob trace records a $TLEVEL with the value 0. Maybe it's just not possible (or possible with a not documented procedure). Thank you.
go to post Lorenzo Scalese · Apr 7, 2022 Hi @Benjamin De Boe, Yes, I recently took a look, but indeed I need it on an old version (2018 ) However, our customers should migrate but I think that i can't use DataMove on production systems before the end of 2023. In my opinion, DataMove is complete but just needs to be wrapped for special use cases (ex: manage global mapping on mirror switch). It's not a problem, we can do this easily with a simple global and ZSTART routine (such as the sample). Maybe, I should modify this tool in this way if there is an interest.
go to post Lorenzo Scalese · Apr 5, 2022 Hi @Harshdeep Acharya , You should take a look to this repository : iris-healthtoolkit-service OEX Link : iris-healthtoolkit-service This is a solution provided by @Guillaume Rongier
go to post Lorenzo Scalese · Apr 4, 2022 Hi @Alexey Maslov, Interesting, we have the same problem and apply the same solution :-) ! There is more than 10 years ago, I have written an archiving tool to move document stream to a share and just keep the file reference. The process is long, but there is no downtime. It's exactly the same situation. The archive tool is included in our application administration panel and the customer can decide himself to archive. Today, I have read-only globals nodes (not documents) that became very bigger. So, I try an approach with an "archive" database to reduce the volume of our main database(s).If you are interested in global moving without downtime there is (live-global-mover)[https://openexchange.intersystems.com/package/isc-live-global-mover], but it's not designed for mirroring and ECP.